Blake Callens Profile picture
Christian. Student of the history of totalitarianism and nativism. Author of The Case Against Christian Nationalism. | “a messed up dude.” - Douglas Wilson

Feb 2, 18 tweets

Let's talk the out-in-the-open kinist (white nationalist) CREC church in Pella, IA, Christ the Redeemer, pastored by Michael Shover. I have so much evidence that I have to be highly selective here. 🧵 1/11

In the ☝️ photo, you have Shover, Jesse Van Der Molen, Darrell Dow, and Thomas Achord, among others. The account belongs to Van Der Molen, who regularly posts pictures of himself on it. It's well known among those in the CREC that the account is his, despite the "Tom" handle. 2/11

Thomas Achord (1st on right) was the podcast co-host of Stephen Wolfe (@PerfInjust), who had an anonymous white nationalist account (@TuliusAadland). Darrell Dow (4th on left) was his co-author on the kinist book, Who is My Neighbor?: An Anthology in Natural Relations. 3/11

Here's a Facebook message of Dow promoting literal "racism". 4/11

Van Der Molen (1st on left) is quite prolific in his antisemitism, which is more than evident on his account, but here's a post using the Nazi "Blut und Boded" slogan from yesterday: 5/11

Van Der Molen has also been on @Eric_Conn's podcast. 6/11…

Shover (2nd on left) made a name for himself getting into an altercation in the same Iowa Capitol where the satanic idol was toppled. 7/11

Here's a Facebook message of him promoting white nationalist kinism. 8/11

Shane Anderson (@TheDailyGenevan), a well known Twitter kinist, also appears to be a member of the church. Here's an Instagram post of him talking about a construction job he did with Achord and him saying he's moved to Pella. 9/11

Here's Van Der Molen, tagging Shover in a pic from when their group went to an event with @aaron_renn, @BonifaceOption and @thisisfoster. Note "county dominion." 10/11

My multiple sources in the CREC say that this is a wide-open secret and that members even talk about "that one church" openly. This church is in good standing in the denomination, @uribrito. I have much, much more. 11/11

@uribrito Addendum 1: Here's a Gab post with Anderson naming Shover as his pastor.

Addendum 2: To bring this full circle to the post from a few days ago, here's @RettCopple talking with Van Der Molen about a kinist dustup over comments that happened in a Fight Laugh Feast chat where someone had posted something from Andrew Torba (according to my source).

@RettCopple Addendum 3: Some more content from Dow and Shover.

@RettCopple Addendum 4: Van Der Molen's response, stating, among other things, that @douglaswils and I are "[attacking] white people for loving their family," seeming to claim that inter-ethnic marriage is detrimental to the offspring's health, and that he'll "do [his] duty to [his] kin."

@RettCopple @douglaswils Addendum 5: Jesse Van Der Molen defending Corey Mahler's call to re-enslave black people. But it's just about loving your kin, right?

@RettCopple @douglaswils Addendum 6: Michael Shover, on his short lived Twitter account, arguing that the United States entered WWII "at the behest of the Jews calling for the total eradication of Germany."

Addendum 7: Stephen Wolfe (@PerfInjust) wrote about the Van Der Molen porch in The Case Against Christian Nationalism.

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