Mike Howell Profile picture
Member of @Heritage @OversightPR. @DailySignal Investigative Columnist. @NICEnforcement Advisory Board. @ClaremontInst Lincoln Fellow. Deportation Scientist.

Feb 4, 2024, 20 tweets

This bill is insane. Does anyone think asylum officers need a pay raise?

Humiliating border patrol agents further

Giving work permits away like candy

Institutionalizing catch and release thru non detention

Maintains parole standard of case by case basis which Mayorkas has blown wide open

New word salad for asylum which won't change anything

Puts far left DC district court in charge

Neocon giveaway

Here we go. Chamber of Commerce give aways

Locking in future admins into the give aways

Very obviously not a border bill at this point

You will pay for lawyers of illegal aliens

New standard of acceptable illegal immigrants set at 5k/day (around 2 million a year)

Payday for pro illegal immigration NGOs

The bill explicitly calls for the release of illegal aliens, despite being framed as ending catch and release

The bill also appears to enshrine the Flores settlement, a key target of pro-sovereignty law makers

The bill also falsely tries to write @Heritage support in. We do not support ATD for the purposes of mass release. (In case this was not already clear)

We support border security and the rule of law during this massive invasion

Keeps intact the pull factor of child recyling

In clear conflict with the bill text of 5k/day, @SenatorLankford spreads misinformation in his press release that it is 5k/WEEK

This comes after he accused border advocates of lying and @SenatorRounds accused same of being Russian disinformation

@SenatorLankford @SenatorRounds The press release also falsely claims a shift to "detain and deport". The above thread shows that to be a lie

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