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Feb 5, 21 tweets

Thread of the best #bitcoin papers 🧵

1. The Bitcoin Whitepaper

Satoshi Nakamoto once posted, "I had to write all the code before I could convince myself that I could solve every problem, then I wrote the paper"

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2. Fidelity's "Bitcoin First" Research

The largest retirement plan provider in the world managing over ten trillions dollars, explains "investors need to consider bitcoin separately from other digital assets".

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3. NYDIG's Bitcoin Net Zero

@Nic__Carter and Ross Stevens' report estimates the current and historical energy outlays for bitcoin mining, material ancillary benefits, and the merits of a Proof of Work system for the world.

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4. Bitcoin Is Time

@Dergigi argues bitcoin is time in more ways than one. Bitcoin units are stored time because they are money (time is money, money is time) and its network is time because it is a decen­tral­ized clock.

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5. Bitcoin Astronomy

@DhruvBansal calculates how bitcoin can become the money of Earth, Mars, our solar system, our galaxy, and eventually, our universe.

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6. Bitcoin is Venice

@Allenf32 compares bitcoin to the historic trade city of Venice, arguing that both are systems that emerged from chaos to create new economic possibilities, and that bitcoin has the potential to transform the world.

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7. Why Bitcoin Matters for Freedom

@Gladstein at the Human Rights Foundation implores reader to understand how valuable bitcoin is for people living under authoritarian governments, providing a censorship-resistant money.

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8. Bitcoin's Role in the ESG Imperative

The world’s 4th largest accounting firm, KPMG concludes bitcoin is an ESG investment, helping stabilize energy grids, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and serves as a financial tool.

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9. Shelling Out: The Origins of Money

@NickSzabo4's paper explores the origins of money and how it emerged in human history. Money provides a common unit of account and medium of exchange, making it easier to trade goods and services.

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10. Seetee Shareholder Letter

The 180-year old Norwegian company explains why they decided to buy bitcoin and invest in the bitcoin ecosystem to help grow the technology's adoption.

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11. What is Money, Anyway?

Economist @LynAldenContact explains money. People spend their lives seeking money, and in some ways it seems so straightforward, and yet what humanity has defined as money has changed significantly over the centuries.

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12. The Bitcoin Reformation

@TuurDemeester makes the case that the 21st century emergence of bitcoin, encryption, the internet, and millennials exhibit similar dynamics as the 16-17th century revolution that took place in Europe.

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13. Why Congo’s most famous national park is betting big on crypto

MIT Technology reports bitcoin is saving endangered animals in Congo’s oldest national park. The park was running out of money, thanks to mining they are now profitable.

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14. The Blocksize War

@JonathanBier covers the near decade-long battle to increase how much data is in each bitcoin block. This story however is really about a much deeper debate: who controls bitcoin's protocol rules?

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15. The Bullish Case for Bitcoin

@Real_Vijay explains how bitcoin is a new scarce digital good with the potential to become a global store of value due to its unique properties, such as scarcity, durability, and portability.

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16. Bitcoin is King

@Resistancemoney and @Craigwarmke examine the various dimensions along which bitcoin is superior to all other cryptocurrencies.

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17. Analysis of the United Nations University’s Bitcoin Mining Commentary

@Jyn_urso's critique of the United Nations study examining the energy consumption of Bitcoin mining reveals substantial flaws that question the paper’s validity.

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18. Bitcoin Could Support Renewable Energy

A new study by Cornell University researchers finds #bitcoin can help developers recoup millions of dollars, which could be invested in future renewable energy projects.

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19. Great Monetary Inflation

The legendary Wall Street investor @PTJ_official writes, "The best profit-maximizing strategy is to own the fastest horse...If I am forced to forecast, my bet is it will be bitcoin"

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20. The Stone Ridge Bitcoin Letter

This letter articulates Stone Ridge's bitcoin thesis through 1st-principles arguments; a tour of money, monetary history, our present moment in the US, and why the firm is hodling.

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21. Bitcoin And Me

@Halfin was an engineer, cypherpunk, and receiver of the very first #bitcoin transaction. His personal story puts into perspective the importance many feel, and the motivation they have to support this open-source project.

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