1/ Why, indeed? Thousands of patients are catching COVID in Australian hospitals. It kills 10% of them. This is due to a basic LACK OF INFECTION CONTROL. As @drajm says in this outstanding article, this is shaping up to be the Robodebt scandal of medicine.
2/ People catching COVID in hospitals is the ROBODEBT SCANDAL OF MEDICINE 👇
3/ If you are in hospital, you are, by definition, 'vulnerable'. Failing to safeguard patients from catching COVID kills them. This is a FACT. Australian health authorities may choose to try and ignore it, but THE FACT remains.
4/ Much credit to @ama_qld's @BoultonMaria for pressuring the authorities on this. Turns out "We too have been concerned about this problem for some time." Uh huh. Right. Whatever. Just get on and do something about it. Quicktime.
5/ Infection control really isn't rocket science. To prevent hospital acquired COVID infections, we must finally accept the evidence that COVID IS AIRBORNE and act accordingly.
6/ Masks or N95 respirators DO NOT IMPAIR COMMUNICATION WITH THE VAST MAJORITY OF PATIENTS. The patient being dead impairs patient communication.
7/ There is a basic equity issue here. All of us have a right to access safe healthcare. Those with particular vulnerabilities should not have to fight even harder for it.
8/ Cancer hospitals need to get their act together and protect all their patients, who are ALL VULNERABLE. Why N95s only for haematological patients, not all cancer patients? It just makes no sense at all.
9/ I used to think the economic / staffing argument would make hospitals want to protect their staff from occupationally acquired COVID. I know, I know. Very naive. 🤦♂️
10/ We have never before said about complex patients: "Oh well, they were sick anyway. Never mind that they were tipped over the edge by an infection they acquired in hospital."
If a patient gets a skin infection from an IV cannula, INFECTION CONTROL LOSES ITS COLLECTIVE MIND.
10/ Yes, WHERE IS THE ACCOUNTABILITY? It must not take Freedom of Information requests to get data on hospital acquired COVID infections. Until we have accountability there will be no improvement. Feet must be held to the fire to get improvement. Regrettable, but true.
11/ Healthcare authorities need to show some leadership and not cave in to whines from people who don't want to wear PPE to protect their patients and their colleagues.
How can I put this politely? Everyone just needs to toughen the fuck up.
12/ "... the liability is accumulating for people who should know better than to be permissive about COVID infection in healthcare facilities."
Yes, it is. And this is a terrific article by @Hayley_Gleeson. Please read, share and give her a follow.
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