Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Feb 11, 10 tweets


Biden very clearly had a personal and financial interest in unlawfully keeping classified documents for years.



Why Joe Biden's Handling of Classified Records is Worse than Trump's Case

Hur reveals shocking details about Biden's sloppy possession of top-secret documents, the destruction of evidence, and possible attempts to thwart investigators.


Careless handling of classified documents by Biden, Pence, and Hillary Clinton are troubling because we should expect better from our leaders. But only Trump crossed the criminal line of “willful.”



“Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.”



And then concluded that this evidence was insufficient to support criminal charges. Read the report.



I refute everything you said in that tweet. You shamelessly lie to your willfully ignorant followers and MSNBC viewers and when caught by someone knowledgeable, you repeat the lie.



Had he returned files as required, Biden would’ve had to go to a SCIF to review. He changed the topic of his book but still kept relevant secret records.

Hur disclosed his book advance was $8 million in 2017.



Jack Smith has yet to establish a motive for Trump keeping alleged classified papers.

Biden clearly demonstrated a motive.

Further, Biden has a documented history of both keeping and not returning classified docs. He also knew better



Kept highly classified records related to foreign adversaries in multiple locations including recklessly storing them in unsecured areas of his home

Biden admitted he knew he had classified files



Joe Biden: Justice Dept Deemed Biden A Criminal For Having Classified Documents But Too Unfit To Stand Trail



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