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a mind forever voyaging

Feb 14, 7 tweets


Former Green Beret Thomas Kasza Accuses Disney-Owned National Geographic Of Creating Hit List Targeting American Allies In Afghanistan



Former Green Beret and the founder and director of the 1208 Foundation Thomas Kasza accused The Walt Disney Company and its subsidiary National Geographic of creating a hit list that was used to target American allies in Afghanistan.




Disney CEO Bob Iger Admits To Turning The Company Into His Own Political Weapon: “I Take Responsibility For This”



A video from 2021 shows The Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger admitting he turned the company into his own political weapon.


🚨Dismal Disney News🚨

Gina Carano Reveals MORE Evidence in Bombshell Interview , covered in a recent article from @TPPNewsNetwork.




Gina Carano Reveals MORE Evidence in Bombshell Interview, covered in a recent article from @ThatParkPlace. Recently she did an interview expanding on her legal battle against Disney. From personal struggles to calls for accountability


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