Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Feb 19, 8 tweets




Utterly false. All Community Notes code *and* data is open source, so you can confirm independently whether any community note will be shown.

I cannot remove notes on my posts or anyone else’s.



Elon Musk Accused of Bending X Rules for Himself

Does the writer follow Stephen King?

There is a video with something like 80% King and 20% Musk.



The article in question

Elon Musk Accused of Bending X Rules for Himself…

The article ends with



The user mentioned in this article.



Community Notes mentions:

Elon Musk is also one of the most community noted accounts on X, so community notes are not disabled on the account.



Article in the Community Notes

New Listing Shows the X Profiles With the Most Community Notes…

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