Adam Klepp Profile picture
Reporter for @kgun9 in Tucson, AZ ✉️

Feb 20, 6 tweets

Federal migrant money is running out in Tucson.

Tonight on @kgun9 I'm breaking down a memo from the county that says after March 31 anywhere from 400-1,000 migrants will be released in Tucson with no resources.

This is the memo, sent by County Administrator Jan Lesher.

She outlines options for the county to prevent the unsheltered street releases.

The county looked at two facilities where migrants could be dropped off, but estimated the costs would be anywhere from $3-$7 million a month for Pima County taxpayers.

Ultimately County Administrator Jan Lesher recommended the supervisors to take no action as the costs would be too much of a strain on the budget.

"We have done all we can for five years..." she said.

The federal money running out is also funding the buses to pick up street released migrants in Nogales and Douglas.

Lesher says they will also have hundreds of migrants released into their communities with even less resources after March 31.

The full memo will be posted with my story this evening on

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