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Feb 21, 19 tweets

🧵America's Architectural Legacy: Gothic!

Gothic architectural beauty in the U.S. spans beyond churches to include skyscrapers, universities, and homes.

Imagine if we continued to build like this! 🧵⤵️

1. Washington National Cathedral (Washington, D.C.) - A masterpiece of Gothic Revival architecture, known for its stunning stained glass and intricate carvings.

2. St. Patrick's Cathedral (New York City, NY) - A Neo-Gothic marvel in the heart of Manhattan, famous for its spires and rose window.

3. Yale University Sterling Memorial Library (New Haven, CT) - A collegiate Gothic building with elaborate stonework and stained glass, embodying academic grandeur.

4. University of Chicago (Chicago, IL) - The campus is adorned with Gothic Revival architecture, highlighted by the Rockefeller Chapel's craftsmanship.

5. Princeton University Chapel (Princeton, NJ) - One of the world's largest college chapels, celebrated for its Gothic design and intricate stained glass.

6. Duke University Chapel (Durham, NC) - This Collegiate Gothic chapel is known for its spires, carvings, and role as the campus's spiritual center.

7. Cathedral of St. John the Divine (New York City, NY) - An impressive blend of Gothic Revival and Romanesque styles, it stands as one of the largest Christian churches globally.

8. Riverside Church (New York City, NY) - Famous for its towering Gothic spire overlooking the Hudson River.

9. Boston College (Chestnut Hill, MA) - Gasson Hall is a symbol of the university's Jesuit Catholic tradition, with its notable Gothic architecture.

10. Grace Cathedral (San Francisco, CA) - A modern interpretation of Gothic architecture, known for its doors and labyrinth.

11. Woolworth Building (New York City, NY) - A pioneering Gothic skyscraper, combining commercial utility with Gothic elegance and once the tallest building in the world.

12. Tribune Tower (Chicago, IL) - A Neo-Gothic skyscraper adorned with flying buttresses and a detailed façade, home to the Chicago Tribune.

13. The Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis (St. Louis, MO) - This basilica is celebrated for its Gothic architecture and stunning interior mosaics.

14. West Point Cadet Chapel (West Point, NY) - A military Gothic architectural gem, featuring a towering spire and detailed interior.

15. Pittsburgh Cathedral of Learning (Pittsburgh, PA) - A soaring example of Gothic Revival architecture, central to the University of Pittsburgh's campus.

16. Lyndhurst Mansion (Tarrytown, NY) - A fine example of Gothic Revival architecture in a residential setting, known for its picturesque estate and role in American history.

17. Sather Tower (Berkeley, CA) - Also known as the Campanile, this is the University of California, Berkeley's most iconic structure, offering panoramic views and showcasing a blend of Gothic elements with its grand bell tower.

From spires to towers, Gothic architecture weaves a timeless tapestry across America's landscape.

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