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Feb 23, 2024, 25 tweets

Trump, just starting a late speech to the National Religious Broadcasters, sounds quite slurry

now THERE'S a name i haven't heard in a while

you gotta pick one, buddy

Trump: "You heard the J6 hostages. You saw the spirit. The spirit these people have ... they have tremendous spirit."

does Trump ... does he realize that Joe Biden is a devout Catholic?

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Trump claims he's leading Nikki Haley by 91 points nationally. I haven't seen every poll but, uh, that seems like a stretch.

"How any Christian can vote for a Democrat is crazy. They've gotta stop." -- Trump

Trump is in his transparently phony "pretending to be Christian" mode tonight

pass the bong

Trump, speaking to a Christian audience, lies about Democrats supporting the murder of born babies

Trump is now confusing the Russia investigation with Hunter Biden's laptop. He's just out here freestyling. The term "I'll have what he's smoking" comes to mind.


i have no idea what Trump is talking about at this point. if a guy sitting next to me at the bar sounded like this i would peace out.

"No one will be touching the cross of Christ under the Trump administration. I swear to you." -- Trump

Trump: "They want you to say what they want you, what they want to have you say. And we're not gonna let that happen. You're going to say as you want & you're going to believe & you're going to believe in God. You're gonna believe in God because God is here & God is watching."

Trump: "I will protect the content that is pro-God. We're going to protect pro-God context and content. To that end, at the request of the NRB, I will do my part to protect am radio in our cars. We like to listen to am radio."

As I try to sober up from listening to this Trump speech, let me remind you that if you appreciate this thread, please support what I do by subscribing to my newsletter. I think you'll like it and paid subscribers make my work possible. Thanks. publicnotice.co/subscribe

Trump says that Israel is the capital of Israel

Trump has put his audience to sleep. You could hear a mouse farting in this room right now.

Trump's audience in Nashville wakes up as he promises to close the Department of Education (he's speaking to a Christian broadcasters group but just delivering the same speech he always does, only slurrier)

yikes -- Trump shorts out when he tries to say "evangelical"

Trump quickly wraps up his speech without his usual ending. That was really something.

If you appreciate me enduring Trump's bizarre speech tonight in Nashville so you didn't have to, I'd love it if you signed up for my newsletter. I think you'll like it and paid subscribers make my work possible, including these video threads. Thanks. publicnotice.co/subscribe

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