Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Feb 23, 7 tweets


$DIS shareholders: we’re all ears. Submit your questions now for our virtual town hall, “Disney Shareholders Ask,” with Trian’s board nominees Nelson Peltz and Jay Rasulo.



Disney Shareholder Ask

Join us on March 7th as Nelson and Jay, Trian’s board nominees, talk about their candidacy and answer shareholders’ questions.

What’s your question? Please submit it ahead of the meeting. We’ll try to answer as many as we can.


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Who is this a question for?

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Which category best describes you?

Open to Anybody

Nelson Peltz and Jay Rasulo will be hosting a Walt Disney Company investor town hall on March 7, 2024 without Bob Iger.



Disney Investor Peltz Holding Town Hall WITHOUT Bob Iger! | Disney Stock | Proxy Battle | Trian


~50% lower than at its peak (FY2018), despite ~$200B of additional capital invested since then. Trian believes these results are unacceptable and that electing Trian’s nominees to the board will increase accountability.



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