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Feb 24, 2024, 33 tweets

Trump will speak to CPAC shortly. Follow along for a video thread 👇

yo @dominionvoting, u see this?

@dominionvoting this is cap

@dominionvoting Trump at CPAC claims suburban women will vote for him because gangs will soon be "invading their territory"

@dominionvoting Trump claims that Hamas "will terrorize our streets" if Biden wins another term

@dominionvoting Before we get too deep into Trump's CPAC speech, let me say that if you appreciate this thread, I'd love it if you signed up for my newsletter, Public Notice. I think you'll enjoy it & paid subscribers make my work possible, including these threads. Thx! publicnotice.co/subscribe

@dominionvoting "Remember this, I've been indicted more than Alphonse Capone!" -- Trump

@dominionvoting Trump claims that the country will break up if he doesn't win this year

@dominionvoting Cool! How'd the other guy do?

@dominionvoting Trump says that Republicans can "get nasty, and at some point they will probably have to do that."

"November 5 will be our new liberation day ... it will be their judgement day" -- Trump

Trump compares his prosecutions to "Stalinist show trials"

Trump still hasn't figured out what dogs do

Trump brings up the "J6 hostages" and claims, "there has never been in the history of our country a group of people treated the way they've been treated."

Trump compares migrants to Hannibal Lecter

Trump on migrants: "They are terrorists ... it'll be the largest deportation in the history of our country."

Trump on migrants: "They are killing our people"

Trump on migrants: "They have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of. It's a very horrible thing."

Trump on migrants and diseases: "We don't want to have this contagion in our country"

Trump on the military: "I don't ever think it can be wokeanized at the lower levels."

Melania gets a standing ovation at CPAC in absentia

Trump defends mistakenly calling Obama the current president: "There are those people who say he's running our country"

Trump claims that while he was president top military officials wore MAGA hats around him, even though "they're not allowed to do that."

As we enter the 2nd hour of Trump's CPAC speech, let me remind you that if you appreciate this thread, I'd love it if you signed up for my newsletter. You'll enjoy it and paid subscribers make my work possible. Thanks. publicnotice.co/subscribe

Trump muses about police killing shoplifters and says, "that's why I'm giving immunity to police"

Trump on himself: "There's no cognitive problem. If there was, I'd know about it."

The CPAC audience is mostly silent as Trump repeats lines he already used earlier in the speech

"We built the wall" -- Trump

Glad we solved that problem then!

We've reached the ranting about water pressure part of Trump's speech: "In Beverly Hills, you pay a fortune in taxes, they say you can only brush your teeth once a day"

Trump: "If God came down and God was the vote-checker, I believe we would win California."

Trump's CPAC speech is over. If you appreciate my coverage of it, please support what I do by signing up for my newsletter. I think you'll enjoy it and paid subscribers make my work possible, including these video threads. Thanks! publicnotice.co/subscribe

Let me note in closing that I put together this thread using @SnapStream, the premier tool for social media video. If your company or organization wants to post clips like I do, click the link below for more info and to set up a demo. go.snapstream.com/moments/aaron?…

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