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Feb 26, 2024, 17 tweets

1/17 In this S.A.L.O. we’ll discuss the mirky mafia escapades of  Viktor Orban. The Hungarian ruler went from opposing Russia to Putin turncoat. Digging in his past we’ll find suitcases of money and notorious gansters. We focus on the 1990s while pointing out todays implications

2/17 When the Iron Curtian fell many FSU states were struggling with their economies. Instability and uncertainty helped local mafias. Some compare Russia’s ‘90s period with the Chigaco of the 1930s. Russia also had it’s own Al Capone; Simeon Mogilevich; FBI's most wanted.

3/17 Mogilevich, linked to Solntsevskaya Bratva Russias, set up shop in Budapest. It was the perfect place to launder money via Vladimir Vinogradovs Inkombank. If Vladimir was forced or just happily went along is unclear. The bank would later go under in dubious circumstances.

4/17 Vinogradov wasn’t just anybody he was one of the olichargh puppetmasters of Russian politics alongside Berezovsky & Abramovic that orchestrated Yeltsins re-election. Putin also was in touch with Vinegradov, Mogelevich and representatives of the Solntsevskaya Bratva.

5/17 Solntsevskaya Bratva played an interesting role in Russian politics. Persistent rumours are Yeltsin was in bed with them. A Litvinenko even accused them of stirring up tensions for the first Czechen war. The bratva fought against the Czechen mafia and asked FSB for help.

6/17 Mogilevich laundered the Bratva’s money and also was looking to gain extra power and protection. Having a political shield was very valuable. So Mogilevich send his errand boy German Dietmar Clodo to deliver cash to police and politicians.

7/17 Clodo who had been heavily involved with crime came clean to the German autorities in 2015 about his past. He confirmed that he delivered a suitcase with $1.000.000 today to Orban aswell as having met with Clodo then police-chief Sandor Pinter, later the Interior Minister

8/17 Clodo confirmed his statement by signing an affidavit. Inititially it was quite a pickle for two of Fidesz most high ranking politcians. In 2017 spiky questions were asked about Pinters envolvement. But things blew over as Fidesz yielded much power over Hungary by then.

9/17 Hungary had a mafiaproblem in the 90s, many political scandals came to light with mafia envolvement. The FBI was requested to have a permanent basis in Budapest to clean up shop. While the Americans couldn’t catch Mogilevich Hungary did become a little safer.

10/17 In the 2000s Orbans star was rising and if we look at it now the Hungarian politician was surprisingly vigilant towards  the Russian threat. A message that would later change from white to black.

11/17 Shortly before his election in 2009 Orban made a trip to Russia. Visiting Putins party United Russia suddenly his whole demeanor towards the Kremlin changed. Orban suddenly started pleading for closer ties and his later politics can be described as a Putin loveaffair.

12/17 So what happened on that trip? Russian medium Insider speculated there was a video of Orban from his Mogilevich days that could damage him. While no definite proof its known Putin knew Mogilevich and has used the komprimat tactic many times before.

13/17 The Komprimat scenario doesn’t seem unlikely. What supports this theory are the words of other Hungarian MP’s who met with the FSB 2010. The latter would propose all kind of lucrative shady economical deals, the Hungarians felt like it was an attempt to trap them.

14/17 What is clear though is that Hungary is a mafia state. Don’t take my word for it, Balint Magyar wrote a lengthy scientific piece with the same title. If the kompromat-theory yields any truth it could explain Orbans subservient behaviour towards the Kremlin Dictator.

15/17 PERSONAL NOTE: This story is dedicated to Natalia who requested me to dive into it. To her and people living in Hungary suffering the Orban regimes policies my message is clear: STAY STRONG.

16/17 PERSONAL NOTE II: In the story on Abramovic I wrote soup where it had to be salo. Delicious soups you will find @P_Kallioniemi or .  I helped with a few soups in the past, he inspired me to write. Also check out his soups on Orban and

17/17 PERSONAL NOTE III: There are more stories like this on my profile, have a look if you’re interested. Feel free to share and repost.

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