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a mind forever voyaging

Feb 27, 7 tweets


Didn’t see this one coming.



HUR Chief Budanov Says Seems Navalny Died of Detached Blood Clot

Ukraine's intelligence says cause of Russian oppositionist's death aligns with initial assertions made by Kremlin.


The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov, said that, according to Ukrainian intelligence, Alexey Navalny actually died due to a blood clot.



So a CIA-backed Ukrainian intel official is now telling us that, actually, Navalny died of natural causes. You’ve got to wonder what’s going on here. It’s pretty obvious.



Navalny died from blood clot, Ukrainian intelligence chief says

The head of Ukraine's Defence Intelligence says Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny died from a blood clot, denying speculation that he was killed while in prison.…

Ukraine’s intel chief confirms Navalny died of a blood clot



Ukraine's intelligence Chief Kyrylo Budanov asserted on Sunday that Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny succumbed to a blood clot, attributing his demise to natural causes.


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