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Feb 28, 2024, 27 tweets

1/24 In this SALO we will talk about Russias strategy to commit cyberwarfare on Europe as a way to undermine it as a continent. Because there’s a lot of content in this chapter I will highlight how Russia obstructs government websites and sites of hospitals, banks & TV stations.

2/24 To distinguish from what state run operations are we must realise that they need a central coordination. Russia has attacked states in a way no group of basement dwelling out for shit & giggles-hackers ever could.

3/24 One of the most known attacks Russia on a state happened in Estonia 2007. Government websites were hacked and local Russian citizens were asked to protest. Clearly it was retaliation for Estonia joining the EU. Estonia improved its IT and became wordleader in e-governence.

4/24 That Russia likes to rattle the Baltics can come as no surprise, in 2015 it started with a campaign to target disrupting energy networks in the three countries. They consisted of simple DDOS attacks to deep hacking for intricate knowledge on the nature of IT infrastructure.

5/24 Germany was a big prize for Russia, it’s role can not be underestimated. In 2015 hackers succeeded in gaining entry in The Bundestag, the German parliament. Russia send a clear signal making the IT system unusable for days while also obtaining some sensitive information.

6/24 In 2018 Latvia became a target once more. At the elections the website of the Central Election Committee was hacked while other state institutions like government websites and defense institutions also recieved their ‘fair’ share of disruption.

7/24 More notable was a hack on news website , it’s original frontpage was changed into a banner of the Russian flag accompanied with the message “Fellow Latvians, this concerns you. The Russian border has no limits!” A clear attempt at intimidation.

8/24 2015 marked the year France was hit with radical Islam terrorist attacks known on ''Charly Hebdo'' It created a lot of tension in France multicultural society. Sneakily Russia put fuel to the fire by hacking French TV5 newschannel pretending to be a ‘Islamic Cybercaliphate’

9/24 018 in Norway  Russia tried to gain access to sensitive political information by hacking the parliaments IT. While they didn’t succeed in completly taking over the system Russsian hackers did manage to pull sensitive information of e-mails from MP’s and officials.

10/24 While Norway regularly had attacks even before 2018 from the Russian one other important moment is marked by the Svalbard dispute in 2020. Russia and Norway butted heads over transitmovement on the archepaligo. Russia retaliated in hacking Norwegian state websites.

11/24 In '24 Belgium had decided it would send the interestproceeds of the frozen Russian billions to Ukraine. While Belgium hadn’t been on the forefront of supporting Ukraine in material or finances it was a radical change in policy. Russiareacted by hacking government websites

12/24 In 2023 Russian Telegram channel called for hacking of Dutch hospitals, though it was clear it was state organized. A hospital in Groningen was struck and had to rescedule appointments. The channel stated it was retribution for the Dutch support to the “nazi’s” in Ukraine

13/24 Denmark wasn’t unfamiliar with Russias cybertactics. The country is one of the most stern supporters of Ukraine. The country beared the consequences in 2023 with an unprecidented  large attack on its energy infrastructure.

14/24 When right wing politician Giorgia Meloni came to power Russia had high hopes it would have an ally. But Meloni is no Orban. Italy supports Ukraine, thus Russian group Lockbit went to work using randsomeware that would obstruct no less than 1300 government institutions.

15/24 Finland has been in Russias crosshairs since its plans to join NATO. There have been several attacks on Finland for example its maritime infrastructure but also government websites. The accesion into NATO was answered with cyberewarfare that resembled that of Norway 2020.

16/24 Neighbour Sweden also experienced Russias obstructive behaviour. In 2015 hasckers faked a letter of Swedish Defence minister claiming Sweden is protection Ukrainian interests. Later on it would get more serious with government websites going down.

17/24 In Poland Russia teamed up with Belarus agencies to target its government. Trying to stir up controversy by leaking hacked data implicating Polish officials. Poland off course had had hackattacks before but this was actic to specifically undermine EU states.

18/24 Telling the story of Montenegro is one of Russia that has bullied the tiny Balkan country since it decided it wanted to join NATO. In 2016 Russia instigated a coup and also opted cyberwarfare. 2022 saw another huge cyberattack on the country, consequently the FBI assisted

19/24 The United Kingdom often appears as one of the axes of evil in Russian media alongside the US. Many incidents can be named, more notable is that of the attack on the Sellafield Nuclear Site in 2023. Malware was installed in its systems, creating potential security hazards.

20/24 Slovakian government was troubled for months with Russian hackers. They had deeply infiltrated government IT infrastructure in 2021. Russia also targetted 2023 elections, a troll army and fake facebook profiles helped to elect pro Russian Fico.

21/24 Can we be surprised that Russia targetted a large hospital in Stockholm yesterday after its accesion into NATO?

22/24 Europe has been a playground for Russian hackers, there have been many more incidents that I didn’t mention. We can see clear strategies of intimidation, blackmail, sabotage and manipulation. Russia often uses IT to retaliate with on NATO countries.

23/24 FOOTNOTE 1  Not to make this a sobstory but twitter has consequently tried to eradicate me of this platform; it clearly doesn’t like Pro Ukrainian voices. I hadn’t posted anything and followed 5 pro UA accounts my account was already blocked for ‘suspicious behaviour’.

24/24 FOOTNOTE 2 Most recently twitter decided to shadowban me all together restricting reach with 95%, without any accusation. So please share, like, comment as this will be the only way for it to be visible.


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