Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Feb 28, 12 tweets


Google's CEO said, “We are going to be very responsible in how we do” AI, but he wasn't.

Google is biased toward Democrats and may influence elections.



The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections


Robert Epstein: How Google Manipulates Us

A leading psychology researcher, and Democrat, denounces Google's partisan Democrat bias

But the AI product Google shipped, Gemini, turned out to have a strong racial bias.



Gemini responded with misinformation when asked about this misrepresentation, claiming that it “aimed to provide a more accurate and inclusive representation of the historical context.”


Protect your vote against #BigTech.

Thanks to Our Watchdogs, so Far We've Captured...

77,375,530 [28FEB24 8:30AM EST]

...Pages Sent by Google, Facebook, YouTube and others to Manipulate People Like You!



America's Digital Shield

"Ephemeral experiences" refer to those momentary encounters that we all experience daily when using search engines that briefly impact us before disappearing forever, leaving no paper trail.

Elon gets it.

See the research we're doing to hold #BigTech accountable



TWP - Tech Watch Project

Pioneering Online Safety to Protect Your Freedom

Dedicated to making our digital world more safe and fair by providing a 24/7 monitoring system, revealing abusive digital intrusions.


Did you catch @DrREpstein's testimony to Congress in December?

#BigTech must be held accountable.



@DrREpstein Dr. Robert Epstein Senate Testimony

Spotify listeners! Last Thursday, I had the opportunity to speak with @JoeRogan on his podcast. We talked #GoogleandtheGang, search suggestions, and many more.



@joerogan #1768 - Dr. Robert Epstein

the power of Google and other Big Tech companies to censor dissenting opinions online and sway the outcome of elections.…

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