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Exposing the lies, hypocrisy, and failed far-left policies of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. Managed by @TeamTrump and the Republican National Committee.

Feb 28, 16 tweets

REMINDER: Biden's border crisis is on purpose — he promised as much during his 2020 campaign.


Biden called for ending the detention of illegal immigrants “across the board.”

Biden called for decriminalizing illegal border crossings.

Biden called for suspending deportations of illegal immigrants in his first 100 days — and longer.

Biden called for mass amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants already in the country — plus “priority” for their families.

Biden promised driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants.

Biden opposed cracking down on sanctuary cities.

Biden promised free health care for illegal immigrants.

Biden even promised taxpayers would be on the hook for that “subsidized” — free — health care for illegal immigrants.

Biden claimed illegal immigration makes the country “strong.”

Biden said illegal immigration was “enriching our communities.”

Biden promised immigration enforcement agents would be barred from schools.

Biden said he “respect[s] no borders and cannot be contained by any walls.”

Biden criticized immigration enforcement raids.

Biden promised to expand the number of “refugees” welcomed into the country.

Biden promised a border crisis — and we got one.
Biden took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days to dismantle border security, then implemented a “catch-and-release” scheme that has allowed millions of unvetted illegal immigrants to be resettled in U.S. communities.

Since then, more than nine million illegal immigrants, 27 tons of fentanyl, and criminals from all over the world have crossed the border.

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