David Hamilton, School Board Trustee Profile picture
School board trustee for the sixth-largest District in Texas. *PERSONAL ACCOUNT* I do not comment on behalf of FBISD or the Board.

Mar 1, 7 tweets

FBISD taxpayers’ money has been used to purchase school library books containing:

📚Explicit sexual language
📚Excessive vulgarity
📚A scene where boys at a summer camp ejaculate into a Mountain Dew bottle and are told anyone who fails to do so must drink the contents of the bottle
📚A reference to sex and oral sex with Jesus, and a comparison of taking communion to drinking semen
📚Graphic illustrations of sexual activities and illustrations of genitalia with masturbation instructions and directions for students to research sex and sexuality on the internet
(All source info provided below)

Do you support the use of taxpayers’ money for such library content, and do you believe government employees should be distributing such content to minors in public school libraries?

The book “Foul is Fair” has 181 “f bombs” in it.

A bit excessive, don’t you think?

The book “Tricks” (one of 15 books in FBISD libraries by this author) is over the line even for most people who defend sexual content in school libraries.

Read the excerpt from page 483 if you don’t read all of them.

If our goal is to eliminate racism, then I’m not sure what the book “Push” is doing in school libraries.

This book has the word “cr****r” in it 11 times and the word “n****r” 22 times.

This book is in a Fort Bend ISD middle school as well as multiple high schools.


The book “Flamer” has the Mountain Dew bottle scene mentioned in the first post.

I wonder how @MountainDew feels about this.


@MountainDew The book “What Girls Are Made Of” is the one with the reference to sex and oral sex with Jesus, and on the next page the author compares drinking semen to taking communion.


@MountainDew “Let’s Talk About It” has graphic illustrations of people having sex and masturbation instructions.


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