Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Mar 3, 12 tweets


Israel makes zero restrictions on any food, water & medicine going into Gaza from its side.

as the trucks arrive, the people run towards them & gunfire reigns down. And it’s NOT the Israelis firing



The video from the previous post.

But again, as the trucks arrive, the people run towards them & gunfire reigns down. And it’s NOT the Israelis firing at the people.

So who is it?

01:10. You will actually see one of the Hamas gunmen running out of the crowd. At 01:12 through 01:14 you can see the gunman turn to his left (our right) holding an AK47

01:15, you can see the puff of dust from the gunfire



The pictures from the previous post.

If this was IDF shooting at Palestinian civilians … surely whoever is delivering aid in those trucks, could confirm if the shooters were IDF or HAMAS?



The pictures from the previous post.

The men in the image do not resemble IDF soldiers.

One man in the middle circle is wearing a balaclava, which is often associated with Hamas, and none of the men seem to be wearing helmets.



No Jews, No News: Introducing Case Study #75375

Hamas goons and armed Palestinian mobs continually loot and violently steal humanitarian aid, leading to daily Gazan casualties, yet the world remains largely indifferent



The Video from the previous post.

You misspelled: “Dozens of Gazans were stomped by overcrowded mass, crushed by the Egyptian truck drivers, and shot to death by armed Palestinian mobs who had already looted 2 trucks and sought to take control over the rest.



The video from the previous post.

UNRWA empowered Hamas to wage an attack that killed INNOCENT civilians. We cannot let our tax dollars be used for the next October 7 attack.



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