James Lucas Profile picture
Beauty is truth, truth beauty; that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

Mar 3, 2024, 31 tweets

Photographs taken in the right place at the right time, intentionally or by chance - a thread 🧵

1. Wilma Hurskainen

2. Jill Maguire

3. Luke MacGregor

4. David Burdeny

5. Pete Souza

6. Anthimos Ntagkas

7. Leonardo Sens

8. Ian MacNicol

9. Wilma Hurskainen

10. Mo Aoun

11. Miss Jaded

12. Fernando Braga

13. Anthimos Ntagkas

14. IRapandStuff

15. Eduard Moldoveanu

16. Chingelmarie

17. Gerson Diaz

18. Gulo_gulo

19.  DCLanger

20. rusticbones

21. S1moneyvg

22. Joseph Ford

23. Masteezus

24. Ger Kelliher

25. Stanislav Moškov

26. Valerio Minato

27. Super Eagle by Pam Mullins

28. Paris's Arc de Triomphe perfectly frames a glowing full Moon by Stefano Zanarello

29. The Gran Sasso massif reveals its face by Ugo Di Giammarco

30. Desert Eye by Elliot McGucken

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