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Unapologetic Follower of Christ. Husband/Father/Holistic Doc. DoW. Fully Awake. MAGA 4EVA ✝️🇺🇸🐸 RP’s/Follows =/= endorse. If you haven’t read pinned thread

Mar 4, 2024, 23 tweets

Who are the Edomites?

A factual and historically accurate cited thread 👀

Why does God say: For Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated. Romans 9:13 Malachi 1:2-3

After losing his birthright to Jacob (Israel), why did Esau marry Canaanite women? Why did his parents strictly forbid NOT to marry Canaanite women? Who are the Canaanites, and why would descendants of Abraham not want anything to do with Canaanites?

Background: Genesis 3:15- And I will put enmity Between you (the serpent Satan) and the woman (Eve), And between your seed and her Seed. (War between the descendants

Descendant(s) of Eve vs descendants of the Serpent
Humans vs Fallen Angel(s)/Nephilim
Fallen Angels breeding to humans creates Nephilim (mixed DNA)

Genesis 6:4 There were Nephilim on the earth in those days, and also afterward... (After what? The Flood.)

The Nephilim were in the Land of Canaan that God promised to the Israelites. This is where you get Goliath, Sihon, King Og, found within the tribes of the Anakim, the Rephaim, the Zamzummim, the Amalekites, the Hittites, the Jebusites, the Canaanites, and the Philistines--all within the land of Canaan and all blood related to one another.

The Bible doesn't just come out and say it directly -- it uses the proper names of people and land, but it is directly within the details: the descendants of Canaan lived in the Land of Canaan, bred with, worshipped, followed, were all things sinful with, and sacrificed children to the fallen angel pagan gods and Nephilim>>>and It was THESE people that God told the Israelites to kill all of them. A lot of the Old Testament is describing the battles/wars between the Israelites and these folks.

So Esau loses his birthright to lead the blessed (chosen) lineage (to the Messiah) to Jacob (Israel) and in return then leaves and marries/breeds into the Canaanite bloodlines.

"For God loved Jacob, but Esau He hated."
Seed of Eve vs Seed of the Serpent (continues)

So Esau breeding with Canaanites , their descendants would be called Edomites.

Edom = red, and Esau was red headed.

Gen 25:25 - And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau.

In Greek, the word for the Edomites is "Idumeans".

It's important to remember these words and who are in this bloodline as it plays out in Seed of Eve vs Seed of the Serpent.

Later in history, around 129 BC the Idumeans (Edomites) were defeated in battle by High Priest of Judah, John Hyrcanus. Instead of killing off the rest of the captured, he (mistakenly) allows them to proselyte (convert) into the Law of Moses, if they get circumcised. Weird, but ok.... And the Idumeans do it. You can see this account in the Complete Works of Josephus the Jewish Historian cited here, Chapter 9 ccel.org/ccel/josephus/…

This is going to become a problem for Judah and the Israelites soon.

Well, the nature of these people is still the enmity between the seeds and it doesn't take long for the subversion to begin.

Lamentations 1:10: The adversary has spread his hand
Over all her pleasant things; For she has seen the nations enter her sanctuary, Those whom You commanded Not to enter Your assembly.👀

Antipater played nice with anyone who could help him achieve his personal power seeking goals.

In Josephus, War I, 199-358: Antipater and Herod’s Rise to Power:

"The scene was set for the rise of Herod by the conquest of Judea by the Romans in 63 B. C.E. Despite the attempts of the Hasmonean prince Aristobulus and his son Antigonus to resist Roman rule, the Romans reorganized Judea under the high priest Hyrcanus (Aristobolus's brother) who was controlled by Antipater, father of Herod. It was not long before Herod would, therefore, take control of Judea."

Antipater first took it upon himself to suggest Hyrcanus was not fit to rule by himself, and appointed his eldest son Phasaelus as governor of Jerusalem and Herod as governor of Galilee. cojs.org/josephus-_war_…

How does Herod get to be King of Judea?
>He plays all sides then undercuts everyone.
What does the following events sound like to you?
>Herod does many acts at apprehending criminals to gain public favor and began acting as king without any of the authority (yet)
>Phasaelus and Hyrcanus become envious of Herod's achievements and Hyrcanus charges him acting as king
>Caesar gets Herod off on charges.
>Herod gets his armies to come after Hyrcanus but only threatens on the border wall.
>Herod intervenes on both sides during an instigation between Caesar/Antony and Cassius/Brutus.
>Caesar told Herod he could be procurator of Syria and gave him an army/foot soldiers.
>Cassius told Herod he could be King of Judea
>Caesar kills Cassius
>Herod conspires to have his own father, Antipater, poisoned and killed, out of lust for full power.
>Judahites accuse Herod for holding power and authority by force greater than Hyrcanus by reporting to Antony
>Herod had already paid off Antony with a large sum of money to protect him
>Anti-Hyrcanus Rioters in Jerusalem came in and physically removed Phalaeulus and Hyrcanus, replacing him as king with Antigonus (who bit Hyrcanus's ear off along the way).
>Antigonus smashes Phalaelus's head with a rock.
>Herod runs to Rome to collect the favor owed to him and his father's (Antipater) card from Antony and have Antony name him King of Judea. Antony obliged.
>Herod helps convince Caesar and Antony that Antigonus is their enemy
>Herod leads an army with the help of the Roman soldiers back towards Antigonus and defeats them killing all people of all ages along the way. Antigonus is captured and brought back to Rome.
>Herod assumes power as King of Judea with the blessing of Caesar.

Herod is an Idumean who is now the King of the Judahite and Edomite/idumean occupied land now known as Judea.

Summarized out of Josephus, War I, 199-358: Antipater and Herod’s Rise to Power
Read that again.

“How did the racially exclusive Levitical priesthood morph into the racially mixed Pharisaical

Three main factions vied for the priesthood during this
time: the Essenes, the Sadducees and the Pharisees. According to Josephus Wars 2, Chapter 8, of these three, only the Essenes were pure blood Judahites, who followed the Law of Moses. Before Herod, the priesthood was kept bloodline pure through the Levitical Priesthood as commanded through the Law of Moses.

This means Caesar/Herod appointed/allowed proselytes into the Law of Moses , ie his Idumean and Babylonian buddies to be in positions of priesthood authority in the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Josephus, in Book XIV, Chapter IX, Para. 4:
"For when Herod had received the Kingdom, he slew all the members of this (Judahite) Sanhedrin; and Hyrcanus himself also: excepting Sameas."

Antiquities of the Jews — Book XV, Chapter II, Para. 4:
He even appointed Ananelus out of Babylon to High Priest

Pic 1: It was the Pharisees that were the spiritual fathers of "modern Judaism" and they believed that they were given the power of bringing about the Oral Tradition known as the Talmud, which is different than the Law of Moses found in the Torah aka the Written Law.

Pic 2: The Talud is a product of Babylon

Full text to the Babylonian Talmud

This Herodian Dynasty in the Story of Jesus makes more sense now? This Idumean imposter was King of Judea.
Matthew 2: 1-17

Herod the Great was “king of the Jews” at Jesus’ birth and tried to have Him killed (Matthew 2).

Herod Antipas was king during the ministries of John the Baptist and Jesus. Antipas had John executed (Mark 6) and later declined to pass judgment on Jesus, sending Him back to Pilate (Luke 23:7–12).

In Acts 4:27, Herod Antipas (simply called Herod) is mentioned as one of those guilty of the crucifixion of Jesus.

Acts 12 speaks of Herod as a persecutor of the apostles, but this is a different Herod—Herod Agrippa I.


-quoting “Epistle to Aristides,” by Julius Africanus.

Herod, knowing that the lineage of the Israelites contributed nothing to him, and goaded by the consciousness of his ignoble birth (He is an EDOMITE), burned the registers of their families. This he did, thinking that he would appear to be of noble birth, if no one else could trace back his descent by the public register to the patriarchs or proselytes, and to that mixed race called georae.

The word, Georae, is a reference to people of mixed race. Such people were never allowed to become priests, let alone High Priest or King over Judahites.

Starting to make sense now, isn't it....

Now you know what Jesus is talking about in John 8 when He's speaking to the Pharisees.
He knew who they were--even if they attempted to hide their origins.
He knew what they were doing with their positions of power. It's written all throughout the NT how detestable the Pharisees were towards Jesus.

What did Jesus say in Matthew 23: 15 to the Pharisees?
What does Proselyte mean again?

What do you think Jesus meant in John 7: 33-34 when talking to the Pharisees and he said: “I shall be with you a little while longer, and then I go to Him who sent Me. You will seek Me and not find Me, and where I am you cannot come.” 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

These are the people mentioned in Revelation 2:9 an Revelation 3:9

Books XIII through XVII of Josephus: Antiquities give us all the details of assassinations, bribery, poisonings, etc., that insurrected the Judahite leadership in Judea at that time.

Who are these people today? Are they still around?

Ecclisiastes 1: 9 What has been, it is what will be, And what has been done, it is what will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun.

Matthew 7: 15-20 You will know them by their fruits.

They are of their father the devil, who is a liar and a murderer from the beginning.

to continue?


How do you know who is "God's chosen" people/Israel and who's not?

How do you know who "not to curse, less you be cursed" as written in Genesis 12?

Facts from this thread:
1. Edomites/Idumeans circumcised by High Priest of Judah, John Hyrcanus, are now called "Jews" and are Proselytes/Converts into the Law of Moses
2. Edomites/Idumeans subverted the religious authority and civil authority and assumed power themselves after assassinating John Hyrcanus
3. Herod (Edomite/Idumean) became the ruler of the land there and renamed Judah to Judea (Judah + Idumea = Judea) . He then tried to HIDE the fact that he was an Edomite by burning the birth/lineage records so as to get the people to believe his authority was justified.
4. Herod put HIS people in positions of religious authority (Pharisees) that were NOT of the pure bloodline Levites as dictated and ordained by God.
5. Pharisees took the Laws of Moses (Torah) and "interpreted them" (oral tradition-Babylonian Talmud) to include many heinous additions that allow them to do much evil under the veil of "religious authority". The Talmud is NOT inspired by God, but by man out of Pagan Babylon, and used to distort and lead astray other bloodline Israelites.

Jesus KNOWS who is who, and KNOWS the hearts of those who are of God, and those who (knowingly) belong to Satan, through their heart AND also their bloodline.

He calls them out DIRECTLY in John 8. He is NOT their "kinsman redeemer" and (they) do NOT understand His words or believe Him because God does NOT allow them to. He's not speaking allegorically or metaphorically in this regard-- He is speaking LITERALLY.

These children of Satan are NOT God's chosen people. They worship Satan, they have false idols, they sacrifice children (not animals) to Baal and Molech, they commit murder, the commit crimes against the other nations, they're usurers, they're revilers and instigators, they're liars, they're extortionists, they're adulterers, they're homosexuals and sodomites, and they're pedophiles.


To be continued....


Let's look at what the Jewish Encyclopedia has to say about Esau:

Here's the link: jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/5846-…

Funny thing about genetics is that twins look like each other. According to this account, Esau and Jacob were indistinguishable up until 13 whereafter you could only know which was which by their temperament. Esau was aptly described as "a true progeny of the serpent" whose actions caused the death of his grandfather Abraham, and the blindness of his father Isaac.


But wait, there's MOAR:

Read to the last sentence, and when you see it--you'll know.
🫢😬 🧛‍♂️

Link: jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/5846-…


So now, according to the Bible, Josephus the Jewish Historian, and the Jewish Encyclopedia, you have 2 groups of people who can call themselves Jews:

1. Born directly into the Bloodline and the Law - genetically pure
2. Converted into the Law, but NOT of the bloodline

The first group followed their Messiah (Jesus Christ) and became known as "Christians".

The second group wanted to maintain their usurped positions of authority/power and crucified him.

As described in the cited texts of this thread, not of opinion - but of historical record, the second group of people are godless, murderers, liars, thieves, covetous, revilers, swindlers, fornicators, perverts, witches, and homosexuals who promote Pharisaical Babylonian principles and lifestyles, worship pagan gods and Satan, and they like to kill people by sucking the blood out of (them) their necks. They pretend to be the "chosen bloodline of Abraham" when in reality they are the SoS Revelation 2:9.

Now who does that start to sound like to you?



Let’s start with the Rothschilds

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