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Mar 6, 6 tweets


Three in five say government's plan for the economy is not working, up 11pts from our Autumn Statement snap poll in November.

Economic plan IS working 24% (-4)
Economic plan IS NOT working 60% (+11)
Don't know 16% (-7)


Of the measures announced today, there is (as ever) broad support for them, notably three in five (61%) supporting the headline 2p cut to NI.

Support for the 2p cut to NI in November's Autumn Statement was 67%.

Labour lead the Conservatives on economic trust in this snap poll by 11 points.

Which do you trust the most with the economy?
Conservative 31%
Labour 42%
Don't know 27%

Crucially, just a quarter say that this Budget benefits them and their family, while two thirds (66%) say it doesn't benefit them.

The public were much more split on the Autumn Statement, where 46% said it benefitted them, versus 47% who said it did not.

Four in ten say the next General Election should be in the first half of 2024, with one in five favouring May.

All fieldwork for this snap reactions poll was conducted after the Chancellor's statement to the House of Commons. Full tables are here.…

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