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a mind forever voyaging

Mar 7, 6 tweets


New Book Admits Fani Willis’ Get-Trump Investigation Began With Illegal Recording



New Book Admits Fani Willis’ Get-Trump Investigation Began With Illegal Recording

With Fani Willis repeatedly saying the entire investigation into Republicans was the result of an illegally recorded phone call, defendants might pursue legal recourse


Media’s Entire Georgia Narrative Is Fraudulent, Not Just The Fabricated Trump Quotes [March 17, 2021]


Confirmed: DOJ Used Materially False Information To Secure Wiretaps On Trump Associate [July 23, 2018]


Washington Post Accuses Trump Of A Crime Based On Fabricated Quotes [March 16, 2021]


Did Our Intelligence Agencies Suggest The Russia Hoax To Hillary Clinton’s Campaign? [February 15, 2024]

Evidence suggests our intelligence agencies launched the Russia-collusion hoax months before the Clinton campaign joined in full force.


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