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Mar 8, 29 tweets

Refuting the objection of Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ marrying ʿĀʾishah (رضي الله عنها) at a young age


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Western scholars acknowledge the Age of Marriage throughout history was linked with the age of puberty,

Sometimes even as low as 7.

French Historian writes,

“Women in hot climates are marriageable at eight, nine or ten years of age.”

Margaret Wade Lanarge writes,

“It needs to be remembered many medieval widows were not old. Important heiresses were often married between the ages of 5 and 10.”

In the 1880s, 37 states of America 🇺🇸 and Russia 🇷🇺 allowed women to marry at 10.


While In Delaware 🇺🇸 the age of consent was 10 until 1871, when it was lowered to 7.

In the 1800s, Women in Scotland were allowed by the state to marry at 7 to 9 years of age.

Even in 1937, in Tennessee a girl of age 9 who loved a 22 yʼold were married, but had to lie about age in the contract.

With parental consent in California 🇺🇸, even in the 21st century child marriage is allowed.

Gayle Rubin, pioneer of second-wave femenism, says true Feminism requires legalizing having sex with children.

Mother of Femenism, Kate Millet, described Femenism as, little children having the right to do sex with Adults.

Simone de Beauvoir, along 63 other Femenists, signed petition to legalize having sex with children.

They demanded the release of men who were caught having sex with a 6 yʼold.

According to the Bible, Issac married Rebecca when she was 3 years old.

The Jews likewise permit having intercourse with a 3 yʼold girl.

God in the Bible is Portrayed to command taking infant virgin girls for yourself as wives or concubines, and later commanded to free after the jews were done raping.

Renowned Christian Theologian, Thomas Aquinas, permitting engaging with a 7 year old.

Scholars mention, the Bible gives no age of consent for sex.

In the Bible 7 and 8 years old, are ruling nations

If back then at such age, they can lead an entire nation, why canʼt they lead a family?

Hence itʼs clear, that back in thoose days, a 7-10 yʼold was much more mature than most 20-25 years of today,

ʿĀʾishah (رضي الله عنها) herself is reported to have said,

“If a girl were to reach puberty at the age of nine, then she is a woman.”

We know that, she was contracted into Marriage at 6-7 but wasnʼt consummated until 9 after hitting puberty.

(Note: we are talking what happened 15 centuries ago)

We know that even before her marriage with the Prophet ﷺ, she already proposed by Jubayr ibn Muṭʿim Family.

Proves how back then, it was completely normal.

Ibn Sāʾd recorded likewise in his aṭ-Ṭabaqāt al-Kubrā.

She (رضي الله عنها) was mature enough to request and desire fighting in the Battlefield.

She helped people physically in the Battle of ʿUḥud.

She (رضي الله عنها) was tall enough to reach the shoulder of the Prophet ﷺ

She (رضي الله عنها) was the most intelligent and knowledgeable of all the companions.

You see the wisdom? She narrated more than 2,200 sayings from Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ

Her Father was the best friend of the Prophet ﷺ, and this is the reason why he ﷺ married her.

To strengthen the friendship ties, honor his father, to break the tribalism norm of Arabia etc. as explained by the Ḥadīṯh scholar Shaykh Safiuraḥmān al-Mubarakpūrī رحمه الله

Some may object about the age gap,

The Celebrities whom the same people worship. Like the actor of the most popular film “the Godfather” (1972), is married to a woman 54 years younger than him.

Another Oscar winning actor, Leonardo when he was rumored to have been dating a 19 yʼold despite being almost 50

The models, journalists, writers etc. Were coming out to defend, and saying they themselve date men double their age, or of father's age, and it's good.

I mean who needs the approval of the 21st century Western Kuffār? Everything is weird to them, age gap, marrying your best friend, cousin, neighbor etc.

But men marrying men, an 18 yʼold joining an Onlyfans for 60 yʼold perverts to watch is too progressive!

So in conclusion, we know historically people were different. We don't need approval of the Westerners, their morality keep changing every year

They are cucks, they can't decide whether they are men or women, they support abortion and forcing Muslimah to remove their Ḥijāb.

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