James Lucas Profile picture
Beauty is truth, truth beauty; that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

Mar 10, 31 tweets

A different perspective by Hugo Suissas - thread šŸ§µ

1. Special Light

2. Umbrella for all

3. Biggest Sand Castle

4. The key to the best of Lisbon

5. Checkmate

6. Flower Power

7. AmsterdamĀ Marker HousesĀ Collection

8. You want a slice?

9. Blue and Decker

10. Sea Cocktail

11. Louvring

12. Earth contact lenses

13. Unwrapping nature

14. Bright up your smile

15. Shell wave

16. Double click

17. Pollution instrument

18. Wireless šŸ›œ

19. Rush hour

20. Don't cut the bridge

21. Inflation

22. Connect Four

23. McRock

24. Parmigiano Reggiano

25. Sharpen your creativity

26. Trees and their leaves

27. Oceantimeters

28. Bookitecture

29. I hate when that happens

30. Bridgeshot

ā€œWhat is genius? It's imagination, intuition, decisiveness and speed of execution.ā€

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