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a mind forever voyaging

Mar 12, 11 tweets


Ep. 80 The Chris Cuomo Interview



The video of The Chris Cuomo Interview

check out this interview at 27:20 Tucker’s comments on why he is less affected by what others post about him on X. I like what he says about, "why would you let a stranger control your emotions?"



Tucker Carlson interviewing Chris Cuomo was not something I thought I’d ever see.

Guess that just goes to show you there’s no way to predict what Tucker will do next!

That’s why he’s the best.



For those of you saying that I must have edited the shit out of that @TuckerCarlson interview… Here is the entire uncut:



@TuckerCarlson Tucker Carlson and Chris Cuomo in Conversation on the Media, Putin, January 6th, and More

"Conversation is the cure."

complete with a table of contents for the video


@TuckerCarlson Chris Cuomo @ChrisCuomo is at News Nation @NewsNation

@TuckerCarlson @ChrisCuomo @NewsNation Tucker Carlson brilliantly proves Chris Cuomo wrong after Cuomo said he doesn’t make a “gender distinction.”



@TuckerCarlson @ChrisCuomo @NewsNation If you are dopey enough to think Carlson believing women can never beat up men is a good really need to have a woman give you a forced nap...and plenty can. And that ain't pc....that's a fact.



@TuckerCarlson @ChrisCuomo @NewsNation CollinRugg's video clip from the post above.

@TuckerCarlson @ChrisCuomo @NewsNation We laid it all out: when I was fired, when Tucker was fired, how we both felt about it and handled it...and that’s just where we begin.

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