James Lucas Profile picture
Beauty is truth, truth beauty; that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

Mar 14, 22 tweets

Thread of the most epic images and videos from SpaceX Starship's launches 🧵

1. Liftoff of Starship, the largest flying object ever made

2. Starship’s 33 Raptor engines in full power

3. Starship coasting in space

4. Liftoff in slow motion

5. Hot-stage separation in all its glory

6. View of the second Starship launch from Mexico

7. Starship crossed the Karman Line

8. View from atop the tower at liftoff

9. Starship Flight 3 preparing for launch

10. Starship Flight 3 static fire test

11. Starship re-entering Earth's atmosphere. Views through the plasma

12. Super Heavy Booster 9’s 33 Raptor engines power Starship toward a successful hot-staging on its second flight test on November 18, 2023. Photo by John Kraus.

13. Smooth separation

14. Starship through the clouds

15. Crowds watching the Starship launch from afar. Dreaming of Mars and becoming a multiplanetary species.

16. The scale of SpaceX’s Starship

17. Starship Flight 3 by John Kraus

18. Liftoff of Starship Flight 3 by John Kraus

19. Starship from afar by John Kraus

20. Per aspera ad astra!

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