Case for abos being the worst race:
- Ugly
- Super low IQ (60-75)
- No cultural accomplishments.
- Small in numbers.
- No athletic accomplishments.
At number 2 we have Asian Indians. Low IQ (75-80), narcissistic, ugly, and weak.
At number 3 we have Indonesians. Kind of like abos but less ugly and dumb.
At number 4 we have Dravidian Arabs (Pakis/Afghans). Lower in IQ than Asian Indians, but less narcissistic.
At number 5 we have Somalids. What's wrong with those foreheads, dude?
Number 6, Bantus. Low IQ, violent, but are physically adept and have an odd charm to them.
Number 7: American Indians. Kind of like black people, but more intelligent, introverted, and physically weak.
Number 8: Polynesians. IQ of 80-90 and fat.
Number 9: Arabs. Kind of like White people, but uglier, less aristocratic, and intelligent. Sad.
Number 10: Tibetans. Not a bad race, but are basically just dumb NE Asians.
Number 11: South East Asians. South East Asians are to North East Asians as Arabs are to Europeans.
Number 12: Central Asians. A cross between Caucasians and Mongoloid races - not a bad race, but has tanked due to islam. Have a unique look to them as well that isn't unattractive.
Number 13: Inuits. Don't know a lot about them, to be honest, but they're not attractive.
Number 14: Turks. Decent race, but are basically just White people but dumber. Also have the islam problem.
Number 15: Jews. Intelligent (IQ = 107) and creative, but mentally ill. Also are a political drain. Nice titties though.
Number 16: Han. Intelligent, but cheat and have personalities that are too stable.
Number 17: Other North East Asians. Like the Han, but cheat less and are more intelligent.
Number 16.5: Dinarics. Should have gone before the other East Asians. Tall and physically capable, but dumb (IQ 80-90) and seem untrustworthy.
Number 18: Meds. Solid race, but have a ratty physiognomy, are lazy, and can't do government right.
Number 19: Slavs. Intelligent (IQ 95-98) despite stereotypes and popular opinion. Pragmatic, but hard to trust.
Number 20: Northwestern Europeans. Intelligent, attractive, trustworthy, and creative. A master race.
Number 21: Finns. The 2nd most intelligent Caucasian race, decent looking (but worse than nords and maybe even slavs/meds), and have an eccentric flair to them. A master race.
Pygmies are pretty bad, I'd put them below the Indonesians.
It appears that ab0s in fact are physically adept. Doesn't change any of the other things I listed, though.
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