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Your Front Seat to the Golden Era

Mar 18, 2024, 10 tweets

ELON: "We delete things if they are illegal."

🍋: "But these have been up there for a while!"

ELON: "Are they illegal?"

🍋:"They're not."

ELON: "So Don, you love censorship is what you're saying."

ELON: "Moderation is a propaganda word for censorship."

Here's a MEGATHREAD of the most SAVAGE moments of Elon Musk literally ENDING Don Lemon's career on his own show.

Some of these are just PAINFUL.


Elon Musk SCHOOLS Don Lemon on wokeness, race-obsession:

“Woke mind virus is when you stop caring about peoples skills, their integrity and you start focusing on things like gender and race… The woke mind virus is fundamentally racist, fundamentally sexist and fundamentally evil."

Sour Don Lemon has teary meltdown reading back Elon Musk’s tweet exposing DEI directly to him on-camera— Elon’s response is just PERFECT🤣

"I think we should treat people according to their skills and their integrity— thats it."

Don Lemon has trouble understanding logic and statistics after Elon Musk implodes DEI narrative to his FACE:

ELON: “If the standards for passing medical exams and becomming a doctor, especially something like a surgeon, if the standards are lowered then the probability the suregon will make a mistake is higher.”

DON 🍋: “I’m not sure I understand.”

Elon Musk HUMBLES Don Lemon on his own show:

"Don, the only reason I’m doing this interview is because you're on 𝕏 platform, and you asked for it. Otherwise I would not do this interview." 🤣

Elon Musk leaves Don Lemon SHAKING after exposing why Democrats are importing illegals to gain power:

"The Democrats would lose approximately 20 seats in the House if illegals were not counted in the census, and that's also 20 less electoral votes for President. So, illegals absolutely do affect who controls the House and who controls the Presidency."

ELON MUSK: “I may— in the final stretch— endorse a candidate. But I don’t know yet… I’m leaning away from Biden. I’ve made no secret of that.”

Elon Musk instantly disarms Don Lemon with rapid-fire TRUTH NUKES after trying to falsely smear 𝕏 as “right-wing” and a “MAGAland conspiracy theory” 🔥🔥🔥

ELON MUSK: “Old Twitter was fundamentally a tool of the far Left.”


ELON: “Fox News is on the Right and CNN is on the Left

LEMON: “So that's what you think?”

ELON: “Am I missing something here?!”

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