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Mar 24, 10 tweets

Now ChatGPT is available on WhatsApp and Telegram.

Here is how to use it:

Meet Yatter / @YatterAI: The ultimate AI assistant for everyone.

Offering personalized learning, career insights, collaboration, and more.

Yatter can empower and elevate your WhatsApp and Telegram conversations.

1. Instant Answers:

@YatterAI gives instant answers during conversations.

Think of Yatter as your super intelligent buddy who knows everything.

2. User Voice Recognition

Yatter listens to your voice and converts it into accurate text.

It also provides correct answers if you ask questions verbally.

3. Image Text Recognition

Yatter's image text recognition feature extracts relevant information from images containing text, making it easy to access details quickly.

4. Language Proficiency

Yatter has exceptional language proficiency, comparable to leading language models.

It understands and generates human-like text, making it invaluable for various applications and interactions.

5. Problem Solving Skills

Yatter excels at solving challenges and providing optimal solutions.

With cutting-edge algorithms, it efficiently tackles a wide range of tasks.

Try it Today for free:

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