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a mind forever voyaging

Mar 25, 10 tweets


Netanyahu __ US doesn't veto the UN Security Council resolution for a ceasefire __ canceling __ Ron Dermer and National Tzachi Hanegbi's __ White House meetings



Netanyahu canceled the Israeli delegation to the White House and said the US has backed down from its policy of tying a ceasefire to the release of hostages by not vetoing the UNSC Gaza ceasefire resolution.



A leaked memo by Assistant Secretary of State Bill Russo

"The Israelis seemed oblivious to the fact that they are facing major, possibly generational damage to their reputation not just in the region but elsewhere in the world."



A State Department official warns Israel of 'major' reputational damage in Gaza war

The Biden administration is concerned Israel is making a "major strategic error" by denying "major, possibly generational damage" to Israel's reputation


Certainly a generation of State Dept employees feel that way but not in the general American public, according to Pew Research and other polling. But don't let facts get in the way.



“If we have to have a choice between being dead & pitied, & being alive with a bad image, we'd rather be alive & have the bad image.” Golda Meir



The more things change, the more they stay the same. The US State Department has a long history of anti Israel bias and has challenged every US Administration Republican and Democrat on support for Israel for many many decades.



People love dead Jews with good reputations.


If there's one thing I know about Jewish history, is that we always enjoyed a great reputation everywhere we went.



Full article here



Netanyahu cancels White House talks on Rafah after U.S. allows cease-fire resolution to pass at U.N.

The U.S. abstained from a U.N. Security Council resolution that called for a cease-fire through Ramadan, while calling for release of Israeli hostages


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