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Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss.

Mar 26, 11 tweets

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Jessica Rosenblum seemed to come out of nowhere in the 90s. She was a top level promoter, and nobody could become a rapper unless she approved. She gave PD's rise to fame.

Claims of her ties to secret societies and the Illuminati persist throughout the music industry. She came from a wealthy family, and many say this is when the Illuminati first infiltrated hip hop. She and her friend Amber Sheer together dominated the hip hop industry.

Puff Daddy was in good with Jessica for many years. All the way back to an AIDs fundraising concert held at City College in Harland. The concert was organized by Puff Daddy. But what people didn't realize is Jessica Rosenblum was the actual party promoter behind the scenes.

There were numerous reports of overcrowding at the concert and exit doors being shut and locked with people trapped inside before the stampede. 3,000 person crowd surge forced everyone to the stairwell where 9 people were crushed and killed.

Many people speculate that this was a sacrifice, similar to the Astroworld Travis Scott concert, so that PD could attain fame. With Jessica Rosenblums ties to secret societies, The Stampede was a ritual sacrifice planned by PD to gain wealth and riches as told by the elite.

Reports of PD counting money during the stampede further add suspicion. Witnesses tried to confront PD, said he didn't care that people were trapped and could possibly be injured or killed. In reality, Jessica Rosenblum collected the money and let PD put his name on the show.

Jessica ordered the exit security doors locked after she came through and was out of harms way. She did this for fear the nights proceeds would be taken. Soon after the ritual sacrifice was finished, PD would create the Bad Boy label and his career was skyrocketed to fame.

Many times in a musicians, actor, politician, or celebrities career, they are offered by the Illuminati secret societies to engage in ritual sacrifice in exchange for power, wealth, fame and protection. Many go along with it, and many try to back out and end up killed.

PD latest scandal involving trafficking is merely a light being shined on his many years of debauchery and for selling his soul for riches and fame. We all remember the photos of Epsteins child procurer Rachel Chandler. This goes without saying why they were acquainted.

There are also many rumors as to why PD took such an interest in Justin Beiber when his was just a teenager. Going on trips to undisclosed locations that nobody can verify to this day. His countless allegations of sexual abuse. I only suspect this is the tip of the iceberg.


Here is a short video with footage from The Stampede incident in which 9 people lost their lives.


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