Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Mar 27, 8 tweets


This is the most important post I have made since October 7.

Even if I was given all the time in the world, I could not do what Amit Soussana has just done.



Amit Soussana is the first former hostage to publicly say she was sexually abused in captivity. A U.N. report has said it found “clear and convincing information” that some hostages suffered “conflict-related sexual violence.”…

Amit Soussana is incredibly brave. First, she fought the terrorists and tried to stop them from kidnapping her to Gaza. Now, she is telling the story of her sexual assault in captivity to try to help the hostages who remain.



This is Amit:


Seven Hamas terrorists against one Israeli woman, she is the real freedom fighter



Amit Sosna's heroic fight against seven Hamas terrorists. A security camera in Gaza City records Amit fighting them and trying to prevent her abduction. In the end, the terrorists give up and kidnap Amit in her car into Gaza.



Amit Soussana, lawyer and athlete, showed #Hamas the meaning of #resistance when they abducted her to #Gaza.
After Amit returned home, the video was aired with her permission.
I am linking her professional web page.



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