Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Apr 1, 9 tweets


Mike Smith gave up everything — his career, a beautiful home, a very nice income among other things — to do the Out of Shadows documentary exposing the truth about Hollywood and the Deep State



The other day, Mike got the honor to be on stage at Mar-A-Lago with President Trump who thanked him for his work. It was so nice to see someone who is actually the real deal get recognized for their sacrifice for the truth for once.

The pictures from the previous post.


Thank you Liz… I am very humbled and appreciative of you everything you have done in this fight. 👊



When I said on stage that you gave me the greatest gift of my life by validating & vindicating me in Out of Shadows, I meant it. I hope you know how much I appreciate and love you despite the fact we fight like siblings constantly!



Love you Liz 👊


Love you more! It may just be “us” but we did it. 😉



Love this! Incredible films! Thank you for putting them out and for your dedication to truth



Love this! Resiliency will prevail! 🙏❤️🇺🇸


🚨Dana White talking about the resilience of Donald Trump and the only time he’s ever seen him shaken up about anything. ❤️🇺🇸



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