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Epidemiologist & health economist. Public health early warnings. Faculty @NECSI. Fmr 16 years @Harvard. Short story: Early bio:

Apr 3, 11 tweets

🧬MUTATION IN AVIAN FLU GENOME—CDC’s avian flu found in Texas man shows one unique mutation “associated with viral adaptation to mammalian hosts”—which helps the virus 📌“improve RNA polymerase activity and [virus] replication efficiency in mammalian cells”, says the report. but CDC also states “no evidence of onward spread among people”. @CDCgov claims “overall risk remains low”.

➡️I worry that @CDCFlu’s “no evidence of onward spread among people” (April 2024) could become the new “no evidence of human to human transmission” (WHO Jan 2020). Need to be watchful. 🧵…

2) Also buried in the CDC report is a worrisome line that—“It is important to note that this substitution (mutation) has not been seen in available PB2 genes from viruses circulating in wild birds and poultry or in the recently described cattle viruses detected in Texas, 📌suggesting the mutation may have been acquired in the patient”. ➡️Thus, this was a novel mutation in which the avian flu virus has **newly adapted inside the host of the Texas man**. 😳

3) This is why I was worried about the sudden emergence timeline of the Texas case. Usually onwards spread across species is not this fast.

4) Please be vigilant about the symptoms of the new avian flu…

5) How did the avian flu acquire the new aforementioned mutation? It can either be genetic drift or a genetic shift—which can occur when a mammal (eg human) is simultaneously infected by two flu strains that then mix their genes to create a “worst of both worlds” mutated virus.

6) Folks— to clear up the confusion what the CDC meant here— “the mutation may have been acquired in the patient” means that the new avian flu genetic mutation ==> directly EMERGED IN THE HUMAN PATIENT (the Texas man)—and not from a bird🦆 or a cow🐄. This is why it’s a big deal.

7) We have checked off one of the 4 items on the warning list… watching for the other signals.

8) Milk transmission possible in theory - but milk is safe to drink - as long as it’s properly pasteurized. Don’t do the alternative raw milk thing folks!

9) Another new dairy herd in Ohio also now positive for avian flu. We are now up to 7 states and 12 different dairy herds. Likely several more in coming days will be positive. This has no sign of slowing. Hope people don’t drink unpasteurized milk or dairy products for a while.

10) Folks— PASTEURIZED MILK only going forward until this avian flu in dairy cow situation is resolved…. new USDA warning.

11) If you’re eating eggs 🥚 … only FULLY COOKED EGGS 🍳 only. Not even partially-cooked “runny” eggs with sunny side up. Fully cooked means a solid yolk.

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