James Lucas Profile picture
Beauty is truth, truth beauty; that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

Apr 7, 31 tweets

Places on Earth that don't look real - thread 🧵

1. Namibia, where the desert meets the ocean

2. Socotra, Yemen

3. Cycling on the edge of clouds in Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia, the largest salt flat in the world.

4. Mont Saint-Michel, France

5. Stuðlagil Canyon, Iceland

These huge basalt pillars are believed to be more than 2 million years old, a remnant of the ice age.

6. The eye of the Earth, Croatia

7. Meteora Monasteries, Greece

8. Bora Bora, French Polynesia

9. Elephant rock, Iceland

10. The Door to Hell, Turkmenistan

In 1971, Soviet scientists ignited a crater to prevent the spread of methane gas, anticipating it would burn for only a few days. The fire has persisted for over 53 years.

11. Nara Park, Japan

12. There's a place in Iceland where green fields, a yellow river, a black beach and the ocean meet.

13. Black sand beaches are actually very common in Iceland due to the volcanic activity on the island.

14. Rainbow Mountains, Peru

15. Lake Hillier, Australia

The pink color of this lake is believed to be due to the presence of a microalgae called Dunaliella salina.

16. Tunnel of light in Petra, Jordan

17. Zhangjiajie, China

18. Arcomagno beach, Italy

19. Alpine Lake, Idaho, United States

20. Sørvágsvatn, "the lake above the ocean" in the Faroe Islands

21. The Tunnel of Love, Ukraine

This stunning botanical phenomenon is the result of the train's regular passage amid growing trees and bushes.

22. Keukenhof, Netherlands

Known as the Garden of Europe, this idyllic wonder is also one of the largest flower gardens in the world.

23. Mount Roraima, located at the junction of Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela.

These tabletop mountains are considered to be the oldest geological formations on Earth, dating back to two billion years ago.

24. Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Brazil

During the rainy season, freshwater lagoons form in the valleys between the dunes. They are prevented from draining due to the impermeable rock beneath.

25. Switzerland, paradise on Earth

26. The Wave in Arizona, United States

The formation of the Wave began 190 million years ago, when desert dunes compacted and solidified into striped sandstone.

27. Pamukkale, Turkey

28. Avenue of the Baobabs, Madagascar

29. Underwater waterfall, Mauritius

This underwater "waterfall" is an incredible optical illusion only visible from above. Sand and silt on the ocean floor run off, creating the illusion of the island being pulled into a massive drain.

30. Burning Dolomites, Italy

This is how photographer Dorpell (Dorian Pellumbi) described his luckiest shot ever: "An apocalyptic scenario that only Mother Nature could choreograph".

The sunset always transforms the Dolomites into an otherworldly place that doesn't feel real.

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