🧵 Is there hybrid immunity for measles like for COVID? If so, should that be a public health goal?
Answer from Dr Mansour Haeryfur, President, Canadian Society for Immunology
*Replying in a personal capacity, not on behalf of CSI or UWO
b. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
"The goal for measles should be herd (population) immunity through vaccination, not breakthrough infections for several reasons:"
c. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
"With COVID19, we had no tangible choice but to rely on hybrid immunity..." 🧐😳
"...because mRNA vaccines have not been super-effective in “preventing infections". They were great at preventing/minimizing severe illness ..."
d. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
"When Omicron came along, we lucked out [😲] because this was a highly transmissible version of SARS-CoV-2, similar to measles virus, while primarily affecting the upper respiratory tract without causing severe illness in most cases."
e. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
"So, this [Omicron] was a blessing in disguise (in my opinion) and helped with hybrid immunity and in reducing the impact of the pandemic."
President of 🇨🇦 Society for Immunology, speaking in personal capacity via personal comm. Mar 2024
f. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
SARS-CoV-2 is similar to flu in terms of accumulating mutations. Measles virus is much more stable. And we have a choice – that is to use the vaccine and the booster to increase our immunity at individual and population levels..."
g. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
"One vaccine against measles virus is very effective, & 2nd dose is even more effective...Breakthrough infection-elicited immunity should never be a goal vis-à-vis measles, in my opinion."
h. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
"This is because if a previously unvaccinated (or not optimally vaccinated) individual contracts measles, the wildtype strain of the virus can cause rare but very serious complications."
cont'd below
i Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
"In addition, the wildtype virus can bind CD150, a cell surface molecule expressed by memory T and B cells (and innate-like T lymphocytes as we reported), thus causing "immune amnesia". "
j. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
"This means, memory and memory-like immune cells that have accumulated in the body due to previous vaccinations or infections (for/with any pathogens) can be killed by measles virus."
k. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
"...one could become prone to many unrelated infections simply because she/he has no recollection of previous encounters with microbes of vaccines. This is consistent with measles-induced
immunosuppression, which has been known for decades..."
l. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
"If we do not optimally vaccinate ...against measles, the so-called herd immunity is not reached, thus potentially compromising other vulnerable members of our communities..."
m. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
mRNA COVID vax only targeted Spike protein not the actual virions
Measles vax is live attenuated whole virus
n. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
Not enough vaccinated [but not because of hybrid immunity sales pitch 🤔]. We need respectful vaccine education.
Not for COVID, though, is how I read this. 🤔
o. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
"Measles induced immunosuppression & heightened susceptibility infections...are well- established but ""immune amnesia" is a subject of intense investigations. ...Regardless...it can be easily avoided by the vaccines that are widely available."
p. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
For more information, refer to the following papers and interviews:
(Links in Alt text in image)
q. Measles & COVID hybrid immunity
End of email from Dr Mansour Haeryfar, President of Canadian Society for Immunology
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