Ekansh Mittal Profile picture
Investor | Founder, @KatalystWealth | SEBI Registered Research Analyst (Reg. No. INH100001690)

Apr 9, 7 tweets

I was recently looking at few Edible Oil stocks...simply because some have fallen quite a lot and Promoters seem to be adding to their stake

Here are some details on Edible Oil Industry🧵

India is world's largest importer of edible oils

GOI has launched National Mission on Edible Oils - Oil Palm to boost domestic production


Edible oil refers to any oil that is suitable for human consumption and is used primarily in cooking & food preparation

These oils are extracted from various plant sources such as seeds, nuts, fruits, grains, animals and marine oils

Types of Edible Oils


Key raw materials for edible oil production include crude vegetable oil, phosphoric acid, caustic soda, bleaching earth, water, beta-carotene, antioxidants, and essential oils

Crude oils from oilseeds like coconut, cotton, soybeans, and palm are used


India edible oil market size reached 24.7 Mn Tons in 2023

IMARC Group expects the market to reach 27.9 Mn Tons by 2032, exhibiting 1.35% CAGR during 2024-32


Vegetable oil prices over the last 1 year


Dependency on imports for edible oil

-About 60% of total consumption is imported

-Palm oil, constituting around 40% of consumption, is mainly imported from Indonesia/Malaysia

-Sunflower oil, about 8% of total consumption, is primarily imported from Ukraine (70%) and Russia (20%)


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