Satisfying photos for perfectionists - thread 🧵
1. Crescent Moon bridge by Yier Wang
2. Wheat field next to a lavender field
3. This shadow on the parking lines
4. Converse shoe ring
5. Plein air painting by Richard J Oliver
6. A single picture perfectly framed into four quadrants
7. Mirrored aerial view of Venice by Lennart
8. Folded snow
9. Museum shot by Surrealistshay
10. This shadow perfectly lines up
11. Sunflowers are made up of hundreds of little flowers symmetrically aligned
12. A kite perfectly aligned with the horizon
13. The spiral staircase inside the Château de La Rochefoucauld, designed by Leonardo da Vinci
14. Square Roots
15. Cats sleeping perfectly aligned on the stairs
16. This Iceberg’s shadow divides the photo into four perfect quadrants
17. Unintentional album cover
18. Mother's thumb fitting perfectly the daughters nose bridge
19. Natural geometry
20. Ouse Valley Viaduct
21. Italy's Frecce Tricolori in Palermo
22. Moscow Metro by Embarrassador
23. The back of the truck perfectly blending with the mountains in the background
24. "If math-fluent Aliens coveted anything we eat, it would surely be Romanesco Broccoli"
25. Dog's white stripe perfectly lines up with the water's edge
26. Perfect Gradient
27. Tulip Fields in Alkmaar
28. Sculpt the World by Jon Foreman
29. The Moon in Shanghai by Drincool
30. Pencil sharpening perfection
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