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Apr 12, 2024, 10 tweets

🚨BREAKING! @zeee_media Investigation📰 - SHARE!!!

🧵1/10 In 2015, Pfizer partnered with Bar-Ilan University in Israel who had developed programmable nanobots that are injected into people that alter their DNA, issue them with an IP address & connect them to the internet.

🧵2/10 In 2013, Bar-Ilan Scientist Dr. Ido Bachelet gave a presentation showing the nanorobots under a microscope, which look precisely like what Zeee Media has been uncovering through our investigations for 3+ years of the COVID injection contents under the microscope, & many doctors have incorrectly dismissed as “salt crystals.”

🧵3/10 In his presentation, Bachelet bragged about being how they ensure they don’t “lose control” of the nanorobots after they have been injected into people.

🧵4/10 He stated that the “controller” is connected to the internet “like an Xbox.”

🧵5/10 That the “controller actually links these nanobots to the network.”

🧵6/10 That they “have an actual IP address.”

🧵7/10 And that they can be “accessed” remotely.

🧵8/10 Bachelet in 2013 bragged about how they can control these nanorobots like with a joystick to “release payloads” into humans. In 2015, Pfizer announced their partnership with Ido Bachelet of Bar-Ilan.

🧵9/10 Here is another announcement of Pfizer partnering with Bar-Ilan.


🧵10/10 Here is Zeee Media’s investigation into Pfizer’s vaccine nanorobots in full:


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