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🎶 Clowns to the left of me,jokers to the right Here I am:stuck in the middle with you 🎶 -Dad, Afghan vet, atheist, GC af, host @ThePoliOrphans @The_AltLeft

Apr 13, 2024, 40 tweets

One of the ways the genderatti have managed to be so successful in backdooring their hateful, misogynistic ideology is by using euphemistic language that often means the opposite of what is described ("trans women" to describe a type of man, for example).

In this 🧵, I'm going to repost many of the "trans voices" from JK's link below, only this time using accurate language for the things actually being described ("TERF" will become 'woman/female', "trans woman" will become 'man' etc).

Even for those of us well aware of the violent misogyny at the core of transgenderism, it still comes as a shock when you see it described accurately like that, and makes it even more baffling at how we allowed this malignant cancer to spread so far and so wide before we woke up to how dangerous it is.

"I punch women"

"Dead women ❤️"

"if you're a woman, I will not hesitate to snap your neck"

"if you don't think I should be allowed to use women's restrooms because I'm a man, I will come to your house and shit down your throat"

"If you're a woman, you can get fucked with the business end of the barbed-wire wrapped around a baseball bat"

"Any trans allies at #PrideLondon right now needs to step the fuck up and take out the female trash. Get in their faces. Make them afraid. Fuck them up"

" "oh so men aren't real women?" ya know what'll be unreal?? Ur pain when my fist meets ur face"

"Stab a local woman" is being sold at best offer in my Etsy shop"

[side note, wtf @Etsy , you're cool with this?]

@Etsy "stab a WOMAN today! Remember to twist the knife and then remove it!"

@Etsy "either I get to self ID as a woman or I start ID'ing as a pissed off ball of rage and come at women with a nail encrusted baseball bat"

@Etsy "it'd be nice if there were roving gangs of men beating the shit out of women, but alas, that doesn't seem to be the case"

@Etsy "just to clarify, and I cannot stress this enough, no woman deserves teeth...."

@Etsy "I'd stab a woman in the crotch and give them a reason to need a tampon"

@Etsy "imagine a group of awesome men tearing out women's tongues and cutting their hands off so they can never speak or type their transmisogynistic [note: not a thing] bullshit ever again"

@Etsy "literally kill all women"

@Etsy "women need to be eliminated off the face of the Earth"

@Etsy "Do you know any women? Cave their head in with a rock"

"kill da women!"

"I wanna direct a snuff film where multiple women get shot in the head but don't die, they just suffer in agony"

"if you encounter a woman in the wild, deposit her in the nearest dumpster....."

"perhaps if a man smacked you in the face with a baseball bat... you would learn...."

"frankly, I think the real problem here is not enough men are out there killing women. Can we step up our game a little people?"

"fuck women with a broken beer bottle #JustSayin "

"if you're a woman, I will not hesitate to snap your neck"

"personally, I cannot wait for women to be lined up against the wall 🔫🔫🔫"

"the only redeeming quality women have is their corpses will serve as fertilizer for crops"

"2017 is the year where if I meet any women irl, I'll kick their fucking teeth in"

"female genocide is my dream"

"I got suspended for saying I'm ejaculating over the thought of a woman being brutally murdered"

"if you're a woman, I literally want to take a knife, stab it directly into your throat, and twist it around"

"I would love to strangle the life out of female scum"

"women can suck on my big trans dick, coming in here saying men aren't women, like yes they are"

"kid at work misgendered me, asked why I used the girls room. Shh gonna kick ur 10 y/o ass pal"

[just to make clear, this is an adult male who feels comfortable publicly threatening to to fight a 10 y/o child. If that doesn't tell you how degenerate this entire culture is, nothing will. He KNEW he could threaten this kid and his tribe would be cool with it. That's a culture issue, not a "few bad apples]

"the only good female is a dead female"

"is it legal to punch a woman with a baseball bat? Asking for a friend"

"I mean, I probably wouldn't SAY it normally, but fuck I really want to kill a woman. Just fucking rip her throat out"

"I literally want to murder women. This isn't the sleep deprivation or general anger caused by frustration talking. I really mean it."

"I wanna crush every woman's windpipe"

I mean, you get the point. I only browsed through less than 5% of that whole database of violent men. Nobody with any sense can see all that and think "it's a few bad apples". Cultures self police themselves. If violence against women wasn't a core part of the culture of transgenderism, none of these men would never have felt so bold. In fact, they appear to be trying to outdo each other in violent imagery. they're being rewarded for it.

It isn't shocking that men who violently hate women would congregate in a movement that celebrates violence against women. What IS shocking is the large number of women who support them, most of whom laughably consider themselves "feminists" 🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤡

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