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NYT best-selling author. Tupac coming. #Tupac "Kid who shows up at the bus and just starts kicking motherfuckers." ᥫ᭡ 👻 ://

Apr 15, 6 tweets

OK, so this is amazing. Baron is Donald Trump's fifth child. He's had four others—all of whom graduated high school. Here's Donald Trump's attendance record at his kids' graduation ceremonies. [1]

1. In 1996, Donald Trump, Jr. graduated from the Hill School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. Donald Trump failed to attend graduation.

2. In 2000, Ivanka Trump graduated from Choate, a boarding school in Wallingford, CT. Donald Trump failed to attend graduation.

3. In 2002, Eric Trump graduated from the Hill School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. Donald Trump failed to attend graduation.

4. In 2012, Tiffany Trump graduated from Viewpoint School in Calabasas, California. Donald Trump failed to attend graduation.

5. In 2024, Baron Trump is graduating from Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach. Thanks to legal proceedings, Donald Trump can pretend he had plans on attending. #

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