Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Profile picture
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic | Est. 2023 | Chairman @RepBradWenstrup

Apr 16, 9 tweets


@COVIDSelect announces a subpoena to compel Dr. David Morens — a top advisor to Dr. Fauci — to hand-over COVID-19 documents in his personal email.

This follows recently CONFIRMED whistleblower allegations that Dr. Morens used his Gmail to hide COVID-19 information.

Let's break it down🧵👇

Last week, Dr. Morens’s self-proclaimed “best friend” — @EcoHealthNYC President Dr. Peter Daszak — released four (partial) email threads.

These emails show Morens recklessly providing Daszak with access to internal @NIH COVID & grant process information.

🚨Dr. Morens repeatedly put federal government operations at risk by sharing non-public information about @NIH grant processes with Dr. Daszak.

🚨Dr. Morens divulged internal @NIH conversations to Dr. Daszak about Dr. Fauci protecting EcoHealth.

▪️ "Tony is now fully aware and is...involved in some sort of damage control."

▪️ "Whatever is going on, I very much doubt that Tony...would willfully throw you under the bus."

🚨Egregiously, Dr. Morens used his @NIH email signature to sign off on "personal" emails from his Gmail account when communicating with Dr. Daszak about COVID-19.

🚨Dr. Daszak enthusiastically agreed to communicate with Dr. Morens via unofficial channels. Then, Dr. Daszak shared highly concerning COVID-19 information.

▪️"David – We’ll communicate with you via gmail from now on.”

▪️“...we have 15,000 samples in freezers in Wuhan...”

...and these examples are just the tip of the iceberg.

Dr. Morens purposefully evaded federal transparency laws to give his "best friend," @EcoHealthNYC President Dr. Peter Daszak, non-public, internal information that had the potential to undermine U.S. government operations.

🚨@COVIDSelect is aware of additional correspondence related to COVID-19 in Dr. Morens’s personal email account that has not yet been released.

Today's subpoena requires Dr. Morens to produce this information or face further Congressional action.

Read more in Chairman @RepBradWenstrup's subpoena cover letter here:

View the official subpoena for Dr. David Morens here:……

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