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Apr 17, 2024, 8 tweets


The 7 Principles of the Samurai

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1. Courage-
The willingness to confront fear, danger, or adversity with bravery and resolve.

2. Righteousness-
Acting with moral integrity, upholding ethical principles, and doing what is right even in difficult circumstances.

3. Loyalty-
Devotion and faithfulness to one's lord, master, or cause, demonstrating unwavering commitment and allegiance.

4. Respect-
Showing reverence and esteem towards others, acknowledging their worth, dignity, and contributions.

5. Honesty-
Truthfulness and sincerity in words and actions, being straightforward and transparent in dealings with others.

6. Consistency-
Maintaining steadfastness and reliability in behavior and decisions, staying true to one's values and commitments over time.

7. Honor-
Upholding a code of ethical conduct and personal integrity, earning respect through virtuous actions and fulfilling one's duties with dignity.

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