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🌐 I untie 'Gordian knots'. I drive too 'smart people' crazy. Stop nazism and fascism! 🇷🇸Развезујем 'Гордијеве чворове'. Излуђујем 'препаметне'. Стоп нацизму!

Apr 21, 8 tweets

🇷🇺‼️Chinese media: Putin's "big step" caused anxiety in the US and Europe‼️

Russian President Vladimir Putin presented the West with an unpleasant surprise. Journalists of the popular Chinese publication NetEase came to this conclusion. 👇

The US and other Western countries are currently preparing to introduce further restrictive measures against Russia. They are also actively developing mechanisms to confiscate frozen Russian assets. 👇

However, according to Chinese journalists, they hoped in vain that Moscow would indifferently observe what was happening.

The head of the Russian state immediately made a decision that was a worthy response to these provocations and discouraged the West. 👇

Moreover, Putin's "big step" caused concern in the US and Europe.

It is about decree number 248, which was signed by the President of Russia a few days ago. According to this document, the property of the Terra Agro holding, 👇

which is one of the twenty largest landowners in Russia, was transferred to state control. It has about one million hectares of agricultural land.

Let us remind you that the founder of the holding, which grows wheat, beets, sunflowers and other crops, 👇

is an American entrepreneur, and until recently its actual owner was a company from the Netherlands.

Chinese analysts felt it necessary to note that today this is not the only company that came under the control of Rosimushchestvo by the decision of the Russian president. 👇

With this, Vladimir Putin shows the United States and Western countries that Russia is not in the mood for a joke. The confiscation of Russian property will have extremely serious consequences for them.

Surely now the initiators of the confiscation of Russian property have no 👇

doubt that their provocation has led to sad consequences for them. But the situation could get even worse.
There is still a lot of property owned by foreign companies on Russian territory, and if relations with the West worsen, they will all be transferred under Russian control.

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