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AI-driven Tomorrow 🚀 | Growth Marketer - I help companies leverage AI tools, optimize their marketing & drive revenue growth | DM for collabs | *180k+ LinkedIn

Apr 21, 12 tweets

Globally, 4.9 billion people use Google.

However, 94% of people are unaware that Google monitors private conversations.

Topics discussed trigger tailored ads.

You are able to stop this. Here's HOW:👇

✋🏿1. First, go to and then click on the small profile picture at the top right.

✋🏿2. Next, click on "Manage your Google account" from here.

✋🏿3. After that, choose "Data and privacy."

✋🏿4. Scroll down a bit more on the page, then choose "Web and app activity."

✋🏿5. Here, we switch off "Speech and voice activity."


✋🏿7. Now, let's move on to step 2 by going back.

✋🏿8. Once more, under "Data and privacy," we click on

🟢"My advertising center" a bit below.

✋🏿9. If "Personalized ads" says "on," click on it, and "turn in off"

🟢You are done now.

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