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defi | @unchainedaio & @HideoutNFT 😼

Apr 25, 13 tweets

A thread about how $BRETT was not actually a fair launch and insiders were holding over 81% of the supply before most people could buy.

People like @InvestWithRex made nearly 1600 ETH for tokens they got for marketing that were bought during the whitelist phase.

2/ Yesterday @artibian_maxi pointed out that when $BRETT launched, there was a short amount of time where only whitelisted wallets could buy.

I looked more into it and found that the whitelisted addresses were passed in to the constructor when the contract was created.

3/ You can see all of the whitelisted wallets by looking at the end of the transaction data when $BRETT was deployed. There were 139 whitelisted wallets all together, 108 of them bought during the whitelist period.

4/ I took the time to map out every transaction made by the whitelisted wallets before trading went public and the results are insane. Over 81% of the supply was held by these wallets before anyone else could buy. Check out these transactions here:…

5/ InvestWithRex is a TikToker that almost exclusively shills coins he is paid to do so. He shills them both on his TikTok and in his telegram channel.

6/ Whitelisted wallets sent nearly 2% of the supply to Rex. He began dispersing it to fresh wallets before selling and sending the ETH back to the wallet that received all of the BRETT. I created a diagram where you can see all transactions here:…

7/ I found his wallet off of profit screenshots from some of the coins he was shilling. While he blocked out the token amount, he didn't block out the sell value or the conversion rate. I simply did the conversion and found the wallet that had the amount of tokens. Examples:

8/ All of his wallets lead to his MEXC deposit address: 0x75a69e3cfc668f7eb038adb59bed30dd58987fb8

You can be sure this is his because his main wallet sends funds here as well.

9/ His MEXC address helped me find that he received large amounts of tokens to shill many coins. His addresses:
BRETT: 0x148ac507bb2f1e30441548f19df79edfc57021a0
EMERALD, DCI, and RING: 0x1e2a55a668a4E050bDa88205C532acD75be760A8
DGI: 0x3f5ed7e76bffa1227409e82da30ea13e019696e2

10/ He shilled all of these coins undisclosed on his TikTok and in his Telegram as seen in the following screenshots:

11/ I called him out in his Telegram today and it resulted in him turning off the ability to reply to what he says:

12/ What should you take from this? Don't believe everything you see. While there are plenty of people who actually can win in meme coins by scanning contracts all day and sniping, most people you see flexing insane wins are insiders or people who want to dump on you.

13/ Don't let the FOMO get to you and make irrational decisions. Stay in your own lane and trust what you see on chain, not what you hear on twitter. Move at your own pace.

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