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Mainer, writer, forest rebel

Apr 27, 2024, 35 tweets

The Woke mind virus is eating away at its host population.

The left isn't reproducing, turning to God, getting healthier, or stronger.

Here is why the right will win the demographic war, and create a NEO-Byzantium.


Up until the industrial revolution, evolution selected for resistance to genetically based diseases.

Now that we've eliminated what was once the 'crucible of evolution' - child mortality - evolution is selecting for resistance to ideologically based mind viruses like leftism.

As many have noted, conservatives have a strong evolutionary advantage over liberals because they are simply reproducing more.

According to the General Social survey, conservatives have a fertility advantage of 41% over liberals.

As @jollyheretic writes, this fertility advantage "emerges around 1990 and then begins to strengthen."

"By 2010, the mean number of children born to the 'far left' in the US was about 1.8, while the mean number born to the 'far right' was 2.8"

@jollyheretic Is there any historical precedent to this?

If we look at the Roman Empire, Christian's had a 70% TFR advantage over pagans, largely because of the widespread practice among pagans of abortion and female infanticide.

@jollyheretic In the city of Rome, as sociologist Rodney Stark pointed out, the ratio was 131 men to 100 women.

Because Christianity opposed abortion and infanticide, that ratio dramatically changed.

This altered fertility patterns and meant a higher population share for Christians.

@jollyheretic Increasing one's share of the pop will not result in regime change overnight, but overtime we'll see a change in attitudes

Differential fertility, for example, raised the number of US adults opposed to same-sex marriage by 17%, from 46.9 million to 54.8 million, from 2004-2018.

@jollyheretic In his book, The Past is A Future Country, Edward Dutton draws attention to these fertility trends in light of the decline in IQ we've seen since the Industrial Revolution.

He predicts that, once the conservative population reaches a tipping point, change will come.

@jollyheretic As he writes:

“It has been found in experiments that once approximately 25% of a group deviate from the group norm, a ‘tipping point’ is reached and people start to migrate, on mass, over to what they see as the powerful and up-and-coming way of seeing the world."

@jollyheretic Getting that 25% to deviate from the group norm is difficult, because it needs to be the elite whose beliefs change for those beliefs to become established in the wider society.

It is the elites, after all—as Pareto and Mosca showed us—that determine the nature of a culture.

@jollyheretic Intelligent people are more reliant on being placed on the optimum road map by the group, because they are more environmentally sensitive.

Therefore, they are more likely to be inculcated with the dominant ideology, even if that ideology is fitness-reducing.

@jollyheretic Cities have become IQ shredders because the elite strata of society—the highly intelligent proportion of the population—have been inculcated with the belief that money and status are conducive to happiness.

Once they move to a city seeking status and $, they don't reproduce.

@jollyheretic Pre-industrial Britain, by contrast, was marked by the 'survival of the richest'.

“The completed fertility of the richer 50% of the population, in early seventeenth-century England, was approximately double that of the poorer 50%, based on parish registers”, as Dutton writes.

@jollyheretic Pre-industrial Britain was a society of social descent, wherein most men, often younger sons, would occupy a social rank lower than their father did.

They were forced to move downwards to fill the positions vacated by those who had died out.

@jollyheretic In the 19th century, intelligence was no longer being selected for.

The industrial revolution ended the Malthusian cycle which, up until the 19th century, regulated the size of populations.

What is the Malthusian cycle?

@jollyheretic Populations inevitably expand until they outgrow their available food supply.

There is a point at which any given population will reach a certain threshold of development, whereby its ecology and resources can no longer sustain it.

@jollyheretic Throughout history, you'll find that, after populations experience economic growth, they undergo a series of challenges concomitant with that growth, i.e. overpopulation, famine, poor living conditions, and epidemics.

These selection pressures restore societal homeostasis.

@jollyheretic This Malthusian Cycle continued right up until industrialization began, and then everything changed.

In 1800, at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, infant and child mortality was as high as 50 percent in many European countries.

Child mortality was the crucible of evolution

@jollyheretic Only the genetically “fittest”—those with the fewest mutant genes and thus with the least defective immune systems—survived childhood.

Individuals with "high mutational load" were produced each generation, and were selected out of the population via childhood disease.

@jollyheretic What made the Industrial Revolution so historically unprecedented was the fact that the pace of innovation—in terms of speeding up production, producing more food, and combatting disease through inoculation and medicine—outpaced population growth.

@jollyheretic After the Industrial Revolution increased living standards and medical care, the relationship between being poor and dying young weakened.

Higher living standards also meant a reduction in mortality salience—the fear of death, danger, and deprivation.

@jollyheretic Mortality salience predicts a desire to have children.

The more aware you become of your own death, the more you desire to build a legacy.

Once you eliminate danger, death, and disease from a society, people forget about their own morality.

They live for pleasure.

@jollyheretic The invention of contraception also meant that women could plan and space pregnancies, meaning that those individuals with a low-time preference—who generally have a higher IQ—could delay pregnancy indefinitely.

This has only exacerbated our society's brain drain.

@jollyheretic The industrial revolution, and its weakening of darwinian selection pressures, has created what Edward Dutton calls 'Spiteful Mutants' - individuals with high mutational load, psychopathic traits, low IQ, and poor genetic health.

@jollyheretic Modern liberal democracy is being held together by this mass of dysgenic individuals.

The managerial elite have built a political coalition out of the underclasses, ensuring their undying loyalty to a broken system.

Abandoning this class would cost the elite their power.

@jollyheretic This coalition, however, will not last forever.

As IQ continues to decline, the competency crisis will become more acute.

Living standards will crumble, as things like infrastructure and health care can no longer be maintained.…

@jollyheretic The Bioleninist coalition is reliant upon the industrial system to maintain its power.

They will always see themselves as powerless because what they are truly rebelling against is nature itself.

Nature is always healing though - the system can't last forever.

@jollyheretic The writing is on the wall.

Based on Peter Turchin's research on the cycles of polarization, Western society is increasingly unstable due to declining population, relative well-being (especially huge wealth inequality), popular discontent, and elite overproduction.

@jollyheretic In the past, societies with these precise conditions—Turchin has traced them throughout history—are subject to outbreaks of political violence, revolutions, and civil wars.

In other words, the harsh Darwinian selection pressures of war, disease, and famine will return.

@jollyheretic As the system begins to crumble, we won't be able to feed or provide healthcare to the underclass.

The Malthusian cycle will return, and it'll return harshly.

With not enough resources to go around, America will descend into a third world hellhole, much like Haiti.

@jollyheretic As Dutton says:

Most likely, a crisis will be set off by some kind of new virus which we simply lack the intelligence to cure and the resources to treat, as occurred in a limited way in India in April 2021 with regard to Covid-19 when there wasn’t enough oxygen to treat patients

@jollyheretic As we enter this period of discord, IQ will be trending downward, but this won't be happening as dramatically with extreme conservatives when compared to extreme liberals.

Here are some graphs Edward Dutton generated using his Python codebase and GSS dataset.

@jollyheretic As Edward Dutton says:

"If extreme conservatives continue to infiltrate the smarter section of society by sheer demographic force of numbers, this will push what’s now widely considered to be the politically unsafe opinions into the smarter fraction of society.”

@jollyheretic Eventually, a 'woke arms race' will begin, only this time in the opposite direction

Elites will be forced to virtue signal their loyalty to conservative causes, and the most extreme will rise to the top.

The conservative rebellion will be led by high IQ autists and psychopaths.

@jollyheretic Soon, what is left of the intelligent population will be forced to flee to greener pastures, where they will carry on the torch of civilization.

They will form new polities, Byzantium-like refuges, as the rising tide of chaos ascends around them.


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