I live by Columbia. Tonight I went for a walk & saw 10+ blocks rapidly barricaded, dozens of police vehicles flying by, large groups of NYPD in riot gear gathering.
I study protest in E Europe. What I saw tonight was some of the most wildly disproportionate policing I've seen
The whole neighbourhood shut down, barricades & checkpoints everywhere, people blocked from going home. Hundreds of NYPD officers. Paramedics in flak jackets, firefighters in riot gear. A wave of riot police coming at peaceful bystanders, ordering dispersal or risk of arrest
There was minimal protest action tonight other than the student occupation of Hamilton hall. CU asked NYPD to help 'take back' the campus. Armed riot police eventually entered via a second floor window on whatever this giant vehicle is. Others apparently moved in via the doors
Meanwhile students locked down in dorms, others blocked from going home. CU Administration gave 0 info other than an order to stay in place or risk punishment. All for our own 'safety' - ironic given we were blocked from homes by armed police (had to show my lease to get in)
The main danger to our community tonight was the huge armed police presence requested on campus by admin - not protesters. A wholly disproportionate response that provoked disruption, fear & frustration across the whole wider community, not just Columbia.
100s of police deployed to arrest 50+ occupying students. Once again CU Administration escalated the situation & put many in danger. Thankfully it seems there were no injuries - I feared the worst. I don't know where CU goes from here but fear it's a long road to rebuild trust
A huge well done to the amazing student journalists @WKCRFM radio for keeping the community informed amidst the chaos, and sharing info about the protests when there was a clear effort to keep people away from what was happening.
8/ All photos etc here are mine, taken a few blocks from my home. I know a lot of tonight will get lost in a swirl of misinformation - I hope this is at least useful to folks who know/trust me, as a first-hand account of some of what unfolded.
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