
May 1, 2024, 16 tweets

SJP UCLA protestor having an gender identity crisis livestream in the middle of campus warfare:


“They’re actually fucking bombing us! They’re fucking colonizers!”

SJP livestream on UCLA campus tonight.

Meltdown and complaints about the lack of protection from the university and cops.

SJP complaining about the cops not protecting them.

UCLA SJP having more of a meltdown on live stream. Lots of “fucking Zionist” complaints in this clip.

UCLA SJP going full-on racist fearmongering rant about Zionists wanting them dead. And crying that the police aren’t there to protect them.

SJP UCLA whines about the injustice of being called terrorists when the imperial forces are oppressing the UCLA Hamas huts. They then lose their “partner,” and begin to panic because they can’t tell who is/isn’t a Zionist.

But I thought we were all the white ones?

Panic sets in and this UCLA SJP live streamer starts crying on camera in search of their partner, finally realizing that …. Students for Justice in Palestine are suffering the consequences of their own actions.

Composure is finally regained.

SJP UCLA live streamer complains that they are having difficulty managing due to the lack of sleep suffered from Zionist sabotage at night.

“This is actually dystopic. No it’s not actually dystopic, it’s fucking like…this is the reality. This is fucking Zionism. This is fucking Zionism.”

-SJP UCLA live streamer while walking around with a stick in their hand.

Self-proclaimed non-binary UCLA SJP live streamer walking near the counter protesters with a stick in their hand, attempting to incite emotional reactions while also complaining about being labeled a terrorist by the same counter protesters.

“This is the number one public university in America.” 😂😂😂 - SJP UCLA

About 30 seconds after saying this, the non-binary live streamer gets caught up in a scuffle and had to hand off the live streaming to someone new.

Prior to the scuffle, the non-binary SJP UCLA live streamer was walking around the counter protesters with a stick.

When asked “why do you have a stick?” the live streamers laughs and ponders why the counter protestors would engage with “just two non-binary people. Haha”

And before you start to feel too much empathy for this lost non-binary soul, remind yourself that this is what they believe:

“They keep being up Hamas……ok…..Jesus Christ….. I support resistance. Resistance is justified, when people are occupied!”

They’re baaaaaaack:

@threadreaderapp please unroll

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